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Comments 30

driftwoodwings November 5 2009, 00:15:42 UTC
Took some of the FMA:B ones, will credit when used.


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 12:49:17 UTC
Yay,i'm glad =)


brijeana November 5 2009, 01:22:33 UTC
Jemma Mays is so sweet. I snagged #32. I shipped Hiro/Charlie really hard back when I watched Heroes. That one legged woman on Pushing Daisies was hilarious.


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 12:35:11 UTC
Yes,I've loved Jayma in all of her TV appearances!
Hiro/Charlie are my Heroes OTP,they are so wonderfully adorable together <3 Hope she guest starts again soon!
Jayma was hilarious on Pushing Daisies,it was so funny how she was so nonchalant even when she was tied up and being robbed XD


evil_little_dog November 5 2009, 01:54:16 UTC
Taking lots and lots of the FMA icons and will credit on use. LOVE # 50.


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 12:46:05 UTC
Thanks,I'm glad you like them! You just know Winry would totally be the one to take the initiative XD


evil_little_dog November 6 2009, 01:30:01 UTC
...she does in most of my smutty fic, I'll admit. :D


haganeneko November 5 2009, 02:29:03 UTC
Gotta have # 50! XD Grabbed a few other EdWin, too! Will credit if used!


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 12:47:13 UTC
We all know Winry was thinking it XD


haganeneko November 5 2009, 18:56:15 UTC
Most certainly! ^_^


mulzrule November 5 2009, 02:42:47 UTC
These are the best royai icons ever! I love Wicked and Glee is cute isn't it? I like Heroes too. <3


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 12:40:01 UTC
Awww thank you,that's very sweet. I will definitely be making more in the future!
Well actually,I got obsessed with Wicked because of Glee,lol. Cause they had Kristin Chenoweth guest star and they made a cover of Defying Gravity and I wanted to hear the original and the rest is history XD


mulzrule November 5 2009, 16:19:10 UTC
She's amazing isn't she? You need to go see it live. I saw it years ago when it first came out with the original cast. Imagine my surprise when she guest starred!


cutepoison89 November 5 2009, 16:34:45 UTC
Oh yeah,she is such a little firecracker,I love her! Her comedic timing is top notch. IMO the other Glindas are bleak compared to the enegery she gives off.
Eh,I really really wish I could go and see it live but I live on the other side of the globe and they won't be showing it here anytime soon...So thank god for youtube XD


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