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Comments 7

hope_assassin September 13 2009, 17:47:04 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you did the meme~ :333 I like your view on Harry Potter since I can well relate to it, though for a different fandom. :3 Samurai just own, don't they? x3


cutepoison89 September 13 2009, 18:11:26 UTC
They sure do! I've also discovered that in almost every anime that I've seen there are Shinigami involved XD
Ooh which fandom was it? (excuse my nosiness)


hope_assassin September 13 2009, 18:14:41 UTC
Yeah, they are most certainly a topic of vast interest in modern day anime. :D

Dragon Ball Z. :D It pretty much opened up a world of possibilities to me and it's one of the reasons why I can talk to you today like this. :3


cutepoison89 September 13 2009, 18:30:14 UTC
Oh yeah I remember watching it when I was a kid on Cartoon Network and playing some DBZ games,but i can't say that I'm fan of it now. Oh and I also watched Sailor Moon religiously though it was on a german channel so I couldn't understand a word they said,but I just loved to look at the "pretty pictures",lol.
What got me into watching other anime was Death Note,it was the first anime I downloaded and watched actually. Then Bleach came along and took my number 1 spot and the rest is history :)


fairth_fantasy November 30 2009, 02:03:55 UTC
I used to be a die-hard fan of Harry Potter.
But I didn't like how she ended it :) Call me a sucker for bad, angsty endings.
I woke up at 3 in the MORNING to go get the seventh...but my obsession has waned now.


fairth_fantasy November 30 2009, 02:05:06 UTC
Snagging the meme!


shellzconlon December 19 2009, 10:12:38 UTC
Taking that T.V. meme. :)


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