STOP!.......Meme time XD

Sep 13, 2009 00:02

I was given these words by
hope_assassin that remind her of me and now I have to explain what they mean to me.

1. Harry Potter ( :D )
2. Samurai
3. Patti :3
4. Vengeance
5. Trial and Error

1. Harry Potter is a big and defining chapter in my young life.
At first when It came out I was very sceptic towards it,not to mention that it was during my "trying to be cool" phase,where I was a complete and total tool and I pretended to hate everything the "cool kids" hated,ergo,Harry Potter. And I hadn't even read it or watched the movies!
This is a phase I am most definitely not proud of and If I had a time machine I'd go back and punch my naive self into oblivion!!!
Anyway what got me out of that phase and into Harry Potter was none other than my friend Lily. She told me all about it,gave me the books and the movies and we've been obsessing over it ever since.
I have to say that being a Harry Potter fan has really opened my eyes,so to speak,because I am no longer ashamed of being a fan and have stopped trying to suck up to others (thank god!) Also being a part of the fandom is so much fun,even during shipping wars because you can see that people are really passionate about the characters and the series in general (sometimes a little too passionate). The books are really enchanting and take you off on a wonderful journey,that you don't ever want to end (I know,cheesy much?) Some of the characters are very relatable - you can always find a bookworm like Hermione or a loveable goof like Ron. I for example could relate to Ginny,which is one of the reasons for her being a favourite character of mine. In a way,I think I grew up with her because I used to be very shy and would write in my diary all the time while I was at school like she did and now,well,i'm not popular like her but I did gain more self confidence.
In conclusion I love being a Harry Potter fan,it fills me up with unimaginable joy every time I open a book or watch a movie or just plain discussing and fangirling over it with others. It will be a very sad day when last movie comes out,because to me (and i'm sure others too) it will be like the end of an era.

2. Well the Samurai do fascinate me greatly. The way they handle the sword with such elegance and skill is just plain amazing and I like watching samurai movies too! My friends even got me a katana for my birthday last year!! *hugs them* Of course I can only hold it with two hands and I just like to goof around with it from time to time and pretend i'm a Shinigami XD

3. Patti is a very loveable,goofy and sometimes quite scary character which you just can't help but love! Yeah that's just about it.

4. I want to make it clear that I am by no means a vengeful person in real life. In fact I am the mayor of Sissytown - I can't hold a grudge too long and if I hit a person intentionally or not,I end up regretting it. I have never been in a fight nor do I have the intention of ever doing so,I'm the biggest scaredy cat there is.
I just like to joke around on the internet that I would make so and so's life miserable for doing whatever pissed me off.
However,if anybody calls me "Ceci" I WILL cut them in a nanosecond!!

5. I had to look this up on wikipedia cause I have a brain with the size of a flea.
Yes,I do in fact use this frequently. My father has taught me whenever I come to a dead end when solving a problem and can't think of anything to always ask myself two questions - "What is the object of the problem" and "What haven't I used/done yet" and try and try again. Granted,this is for solving a math problem but it also helps in other areas XD

Here's another one:
Pick five of your favorite shows, in no particular order, before you read the below questions, then answer them!

1. Lost
2. Supernatural
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. Glee
5. Prison Break

01. Who's your favourite character in 2?
The Winchester boys and Bobby,they are made of win!!

02. Who's your least favourite character in 1?
Jack. He puts the "jack" in "jackass".

03. What's your favourite episode of 4 ?
Well seeing as there are only 2 episodes so far I have to go with the first.

04. What's your favourite season of 5?
The first season will forever be my favourite of all. It was new,exciting,a new mistery and screw up for Michael to deal with every time. And the whole escape in general.

05. Who is your favourite ship in 3?
Barney/Robin, Marshal/Lily

06. Who is your antiship in 2?
Dean/Jo, Sam/Ruby *gags*

07. How long have you watched 1
Since the middle of season 1.

08. How did you become interested in 3
My friend Lily recommended it to me,she said it was sorta like Friends and gave me some of the episodes. I loved it immediately.

09. Who's your favourite actor/actress in 4?
Jayma Mays (Emma), Matthew Morrison (Will),Jane Lynch (Sue),Cory Monteith(Finn).

10. Which do you prefer: Show 1, 2 or 5?

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
I've seen all the episodes of both.

12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Any member of the Glee club,i've always wanted to be in one!

13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 1?
Why would I do a thing like that?! No favourite character of mine is dying on my watch!

14. Give a random quote from 1.
Charlie: "Dear Diary,still trapped on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love,Claire"
I miss Charlie SFM!

Which character from 1 would be a good guest star on 2 ?
Sawyer I guess,he and Dean would hit it off right away.

16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Neil Patrick Harris + Glee = the universe exploading.

17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Boy,that's a hard one. Sun/Michael was an unlikely but strangely okay couple in season 1,but i'm a Sun/Jin shipper through and through now.

18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?
I met one of my best friends through it. And yes,it has inspired me to never give up even when everything is falling apart and to always "have a little faith" ^_^

19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4 ?
I'm thinking 2,I adore these guys!

20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5 ?
They're too different to compare,I love both!

Just take a look at this epic intro:

prison break, rant, dead from awsome, real life, meme, harry potter, supernatural, epic win, i'm a dork, glee, himym, lost, soul eater

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