Once more,with feeling!

Jul 10, 2009 18:30

Sooo I guess I wasn't completely free yet. My mom got me a job for 2 weeks at a newspaper stand and I basically had to sit there all day and be bored out of my mind. It was cool that I could read anything I wanted without paying(muahaha),but after a while it gets boring. And I just hate it when the magazines I DO want to read have wrapping paper, ( Read more... )

dan radcliffe, obhwf, manga friday, soul eater:manga, dead from awsome, real life, harry potter, bleach:manga, epic lulz, picspam, naruto:manga, shipper heaven

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cutepoison89 July 12 2009, 07:18:32 UTC
Yes,it should be quite awkward.
I am sooo happy they finally included Bonnie!I'm also glad that she's getting more publicity in general cause of HBP. And I want another photoshoot with either OBHWF or the separate couples for Deathly Hallows.That would be awsome!


dreamwithfaith July 11 2009, 15:08:28 UTC
Hey, do you work in a newspaper? :O And what do you do apart stting? LOL I'd like to work in a newpapers, specially fashion magazine, I think it would be fantastic.
Sorry, I don't watch manga, so, I had to pass it :( I watched Kare Kano only. Did you watch it?
And that photoshoot is AMAZING! I love it and I love HP cast! ♥


cutepoison89 July 12 2009, 07:28:28 UTC
Well my work days began at 6.30 am and till 9 o'clock I would frequently sell newspapers and magazines.After that only a few people buy anything so I usually brought a book to read and/or read the newspaper and magazines that interest me. Then at 2-3 pm me and my mum would change shifts and I would go home because I'm wasn't allowed to leave the stand all day.I must say it's 1000 times better than working as a waitress like I did the previous summer,that was pure Hell! So yes,I think you'd like it but like I said,it gets kinda boring soon.
I love the HP cast too <3


dreamwithfaith July 12 2009, 23:00:34 UTC
Awwww, ok, you're working in a news stand, right? Selling newspapers. I was thinking you're working in a journal office, LOL. Well, last summer I was working in a videostore and I had to be like 8 hours standin up and I went home SO tired... This summer I'm not working, well, maybe in ausgust I'll get a job, teaching children, but I don't know.
Hell, I can't believe wednesday we'll have HP!!! :D


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