i've found like the best pill ever! its called the mega-t green tea pill. it curbs appetite and like your not hungry for over 6 hours, atleast im not. =) i took it at 10:00 a.m. im 128 and soo happy. i had like a vanilla shake but thats cause i was out with the fam. so go try it! =)
well my friend has like these laxes, and i took like 15 when i was in her bathroom. and it helps =] im thinking about getting my own. yes. 129 solid this afternoon. my friends house tomorrow party saturday. taking like 3 each day. wish me luckk
today i woke up and was still 130 okay right? well then i had bread and a ton of water and i step on the scale in the gym (doctor kind) and im one thirty freaking four yes 134. well i b/p later and im at 129.
well im hovering at 129 &+ 130. blah. imma water fast tomorrow for a week. i soo have to do this help. in gym tomorrow we're weighing ouselves. fucked up. i've lost 25 lbs since like august but still i wish it were like 40lbs i lost. text me. i need help. (401) 219-2113. thankyouu