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scalpedsociety July 15 2013, 20:06:56 UTC
Before the 'Session' even began, Aramat sent out a note to her dearest 'Brother' written in her trademark scrawl:

Meet me in my room tonight. I may have a surprise for you.


Note: Do not touch or make any sudden noises around the present until I say it's fine. You might scare it off.

Tsuzuki may hear the door open and close, then hear the sound of something sitting next to him.

"You were obedient..." Aramat murmurs.


scalpedsociety September 16 2013, 04:59:27 UTC
"Kazu... take off my robe." She whispers. There's also a hidden message in those words: Calm me down. She isn't sure what she might do if she isn't and Aramat doesn't like it one bit.


silvereyedphage September 16 2013, 23:30:21 UTC
He'll pull away to nod, smiling at her, then he'll reach down, running his fingers along the tips of his fingers along her sash, keeping his body away from hers, letting her know this is for her, not him (though he would not deny that pleasing her pleases him). Finding the knot (or bow, whichever it might be), he'll loosen it carefully, deftly, running the material through his fingertips. Letting the sash slip from his fingers, he'll gently open the halves of the garment, pushing it off her shoulders. He might accidentally on purpose brush her skin in the process, but his touch is careful, deft.

Tsuzuki might sigh, getting a bit impatient, but at the same time glad for the respite. He can't help wondering if it's normal to feel this divided about the encounter...


scalpedsociety September 18 2013, 01:29:16 UTC
At that, Aramat gives a low and deep sigh of relief. (Or as much as a lady can sigh in what looks to be a retro Bettie Page style leather teddy complete with stockings and garters.) 'Come closer...' She mouths out.

"Stay patient, Tsu-Tsu. I'm entertaining our third guest. He's being a little tease."

First hint: He.


cute_shinigami September 18 2013, 03:13:45 UTC
"Oh...?" Tsuzuki asks, realizing he's probably disobeying his mistress. His mind goes scrabbling, wondering who it could be, if she's found a new man besides him....

No, can't be, she's different now, she can't have hooked up again with *him*. "Oh, okay. Ah, I'll be patient, Mistress," he replies, licking his lips nervously.

*He* is leaning closer to Aramat, and typist willing, nuzzles her hair, running his hands along her shoulders. Oh, the curiosity and arousal coming off the two of them are delicious....


scalpedsociety September 19 2013, 19:32:44 UTC
It's a perilous balance Muraki needs to keep with his 'Sister', calming her down so that she won't panic or go into a blind rage with the knife in her and yet also warming her up to the deed.

A deed that may also be performed on Muraki if he keeps at this. Aramat may almost purr at the touch, asking for more.

We hope they don't get too distracted.


cute_shinigami September 20 2013, 21:13:31 UTC

Muraki's hands run from her shoulders down her sides, tracing the lines of her waist and hips, pausing them on her upper thighs. He lowers his head, running his face through her hair, seeking her ear: he'll nuzzle behind it, gently nibbling on the upper lobe. There might even be a hint of small fangs in that nibble. He's close enough to whisper in her ear, carefully, in a just audible whisper, "May I let my hands seek further?"

"Oh, come on, you know you want to do something to me," Tsuzuki says, trying to sound tempting, and likely sounding more as though pleading.


scalpedsociety September 22 2013, 00:39:32 UTC
Her eyes are halfway closed in pleasure and she moans at that nip. "You have to ask?" She murmurs. But Tsuzuki's pleading does get her attention.

'Pardon me.' She mouths out to Muraki.

She soon returns to the bed, straddles him in front of Muraki and typist allowing, slaps Tsuzuki clear across the face, almost hard enough to break skin. "What did I tell you?"


cute_shinigami September 23 2013, 03:43:13 UTC
Tsuzuki lets out a loud yelp of pain, arching his back as she mounts him, but there might be a hint of arousal and pleasure in his cry. "You told me to be quiet?" he squeaks, an almost adolescent crack popping into his voice.

Muraki resists the urge to chuckle at this exchange, amused and aroused himself. He'll lean a hand on the bedpost, not steadying himself, but seeking something to touch, in lieu of touching that smooth face.


scalpedsociety September 23 2013, 04:13:08 UTC
"Yes I did." She puts a small hand around his neck, the grip is still rather strong though.

"Do you really want me that badly, Tsu-Tsu?" She asks in a husky voice. "Were you jealous?" Aramat may run the dull end of the knife down his chest.

"Please don't tell me you weren't."


cute_shinigami September 24 2013, 05:31:57 UTC
Tsuzuki might make a small gagging noise, quivering under Aramat. "No... not jealous... just... itchy," he chokes. "Just... want you... to want me..."

Muraki has to bite his lips to keep from snerking at this exchange: the mighty shinigami, master of twelve shiki including the Four Gods, possible scion of angels, letting himself be brought low by one small woman. Well, his angelic ancestors left heaven to take pleasure in the arms of mortal lovers, according to most sources.


scalpedsociety September 27 2013, 02:41:32 UTC
The hand that was on his neck moves up to his chin and her pelvis may push down on Tsuzuki's own. The only thing that's separating them now is the leather on Aramat. "And I do. But it would be wise to not interrupt when I'm with someone I care deeply about unless he or I order it, do I make myself clear, Tsu-Tsu?"

Rule: With Aramat, never interrupt sexy-timez with Muraki. Or someones getting fucked up.


cute_shinigami September 27 2013, 02:45:58 UTC
"Crystal-clear, M-mistress," Tsuzuki squeaks. "I'll be quiet. I'll be good."

Muraki's smirk might grow positively vicious. Perhaps she has the rascal better trained than he thought. And the fear and submission roiling off the shinigami has him warm under the collar...


scalpedsociety September 28 2013, 06:29:29 UTC
"Now where were we..." She places the sharp end of the knife near the beginning of his chest, just barely cutting.

"Know this, Tsu-Tsu?"


cute_shinigami September 30 2013, 02:40:32 UTC
Tsuzuki draws in a sharp breath, his body tensing under Aramat. "It's... a blade, m-mistress?" he says, his voice cracking with surprise and arousal.

Muraki narrows his eyes, relaxed, breathing deeply, just enjoying the mad flow of energy that is wafting his way. And it pleases him how she's gotten this mischievous puppy trained. Well, mostly: the wretch clearly has a lot to learn.


scalpedsociety October 1 2013, 06:16:44 UTC
She leans forward and kisses the pit of the his throat. "Yes." Aramat croons out.

The blade slowly begins to cut into the skin, dragging inch by inch.


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