10 Birthday Presents Lian and Jason Gave Each Other

May 20, 2007 18:24

xenokattz and I wrote these on the occasion of zoe_chan's birthday, for she is made of awesome, win, fuzzy kittens and joy. ♥ I love you, my person! I hope you've had a glorious day! Happy Birthday!

Note: These gifts were given on birthdays ranging from roughly age 6 to 22ish.

5 Birthday Presents Lian Gave Jason:

5. A guitar she made using a shoebox and rubber bands at a Girl Scout Camporee. She painted the box red and blue, and put an “S” on the inside where only Jason could see it if he looked.

4. Lian gave Jason a collage that she made using pictures he had taken of her-she thought it might seem a little egotistical, but Jason grinned and gave her a huge hug, and it’s been hanging on the wall over his desk ever since.

3. Private fireworks, courtesy of special Firework Arrows she coerced Grandpa Ollie into helping her make.

2. Tickets to the Metropolis Symphony Orchestra; Lian complained about the traffic and the parking, and really, Mozart isn't her thing. But she kept picturing Jason up there on the stage and she grinned through the whole thing, and Jason didn't let go of her hand once.

1. After weeks and weeks of not having any time to themselves, Lian finally just kidnapped Jason and took him camping at her favorite spot by the lake, just the two of them. Jason wasn’t much of a camping fan, but he changed his mind soon enough. It was, they both agreed, the best weekend of their lives.

5 Birthday Presents Jason Gave Lian:

5. A macaroni necklace they made in first grade. Because it was red and he knew that red was Lian's favorite color.

4. Tickets to a rock concert. Not her first 'cause she's been to plenty but to HIS first because he'd always rolled his eyes at them. He complained and griped and made fun of everyone after ward but he secretly LIKED crowd-surfing and thought the drummer was pretty talented.

3. A necklace (not macaroni this time) with a moon and star pendant and an out-of-print book about the Greek goddess Artemis, with a framed print of a painting of said goddess, in celebration of her codename.

2. When he finally learned how to do it without crashing into things, Jason took Lian flying. They even tried loops but that ended in the top branches of a sycamore. This did not deter them form trying again, however, and when he returned Lian to her parents' apartment, scratched, bruised, with her hair full of leaves, it took all of Jason's cuteness to keep Roy from tearing him limb from limb. But it was totally worth it because Lian kept her arms around his neck the whole flight home.

1. A piece of music called "Artemis.” She doesn't know it's for her and he didn't even know it was for her, but he wrote a whole symphony and he's going to play it as part of his graduation piece. Lian cried when she heard it but she didn't know why either until it finally occurred to them both that they were going to be together.

5 things, oxygen variations

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