Because I can stop gravity/momentum or change a computer's mind...

Jul 13, 2008 23:15

I work at Sobeys, a Canadian grocery store, usually as a cashier and also as a cart pusher at times. I really don't enjoy cart pushing as much, but I will do it when necessary. I don't know who designed the Sobeys' parking lot, but they must have had a really unlevel eye as there are too many hills, thus making cart pushing a difficult job without traffic. So one day I'm pushing at least half a dozen carts from the parking lot into the store. This lady drives up the main driveway near the entrance approaching the crosswalk where there is a significant downhill slope. Now most drivers know that  when approaching the main doors of a store, you stop for all pedestrians, but this lady decided to tease me. She slowed down as if to stop so I continue on my merry way. She then decides to stop directly in front of me causing my carts to coast right into her front fender. Of course I get the death glare as how dare I not keep control of a moving wheeled object with no brakes. She continues to sit there at least another half-minute instead of moving so I can continue my job. Apparently there was already a dent in her fender, so I didn't feel as bad, but she comes back to the store a few days later with the bill for her couple thousand dollar body work... right...

A couple weeks later, I'm working on cash. As I'm ringing this guy's order through he tells me he'll be paying with debit in a strong southern drawl. I sort of ignore this comment as I'm not thinking about payment method at the beginning of a large order. Finally once the order is finished and I tell him the price, he once again says, "That will be on Debit," as he passes me a card that has the very familiar VISA symbol on the bottom right corner as all VISA cards do. Assuming he has pulled out the wrong card (this happens frequently, no big deal), I tell him:
Me: "Oh, this is a VISA."
Him: (annoyed) "No, I told you it's a debit"
Me: (pointing) "It says VISA right here"
Him: "But it says 'Debit' right above that."
I've never seen something like this so I figure well maybe it will work as a Debit. I press the Debit button, swipe the card and get an "Invalid Debit Service Code" message. Thinking in my head, "I told you so," I press the VISA button, swipe the card, and "Accepted." The receipt prints and before I am able to get him to sign it he asks:
Him: "Can I have Cash Back?"
Me: "Oh sorry... (thinking oh I hate when I forget to ask before it's too late...) oh, but the computer wouldn't accept the card as a Debit, and we can't give cash back on a VISA."
Him: "But it's not a VISA. Trust me, I've used it as a Debit card many times."
Me: "Sorry, the computer will not recognize it as a Debit. See: (I show the receipt) Debit: Rejected; VISA: Approved. I can't change that."
Him: "I'd like to speak to someone."
Me: (calls supervisor) "This 'gentleman' gave me this card and wanted it used as a Debit, but the computer won't accept it, but as a VISA it was approved."
Super: (looks at the receipt which proves what I just said and tries to explain exactly what I said to the customer) "I've never seen a card like this before. Is it American?"
Him: (more and more annoyed) "Yes, I use it as a Debit card all the time, it will work. It all started when this guy (me) 'argued' that it wasn't a Debit"
Super: (tries the card as a Debit again, same thing happens, she calls the Manager, explains the whole thing to him)
Manager: "I'm sorry, our computers will only accept it as a VISA."
Him: "No, it's a Debit card. I don't want to use it as a VISA, I want to use it as a Debit!"
Manager" "I understand you want to use it as a Debit, but our computers won't allow it. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."
Him: It all started when this guy 'argued' that it wasn't a Debit. (yes he is repeating himself over and over, he finally signs the VISA slip). Well I'm never coming to this **** store again."
Wow, I must be like that technopathic kid from Heroes. I can tell a computer not to accept a card because "It all started when this guy 'argued' that it wasn't a Debit!" Oh and I'm also supposed to be telekinetic to be able to stop a moving rolling object without touching it. I should be the star of the next big TV series!
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