So, sometime last year, I requested a prompt table on Dreamwidth's mundane_bingo comm. Some time a long time later, the mod got back to me. And now, I am finally putting it up/linking it to my stickypost. (I've forgotten how to date posts out of order, if I ever knew... sorry...)
filming/watching home videos
brand new shiny gizmo for which you saved up is DOA
peeing outside
breaking fast with a Big Mac
wind is coming from the dump/and everything smells like burning trash
identical twins: messing with people via resemblance to twin
kid next door claims to be learning a musical instrument. it's painful to hear him/her practice
cleaning the toilet bowl
cleaning out the gutters
remembering to turn on the radios in the morning
getting the origami paper wrinkled/folded wrong and/or giving up somewhere around crane 748 out of 1000
dropping the toothpaste cap
swerving constantly to avoid potholes
painting the house
you're hungry but you don't seem to want anything specific
making lists
picking through avocados/fruit on the ground to find lunch
nearly have head-on collision with someone coming around a blind corner at speed
birth: hospital physician-assisted
sorting the recyclables
pet staring at you and making mysterious plaintive noises
someone announces it makes sense to take one car and then assumes he'll be driving because he's a he and you're not
...yeah. Some of these are completely out of left field. Oh well, I wanted a challenge.
(Thank goodness they don't all have to be the same fandom and there's no deadline! *g*)