Mobile check #6

Apr 30, 2008 17:12

Because taking the train alone is depressing and boring, i decided to ( Read more... )

mobile check

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Comments 12

hesminenotyours April 30 2008, 09:26:19 UTC
That's scary O.o Riding on a train with people who look angry *shivers*


currynana April 30 2008, 12:18:11 UTC
They do!!! When they sense I'm looking at 'em, they stare back at me and looks away with another angry look. *sniff* i was abused! Mentally~ XDD


shige_ako April 30 2008, 09:40:26 UTC
Hehehehe... Try have a glaring contest :D First one who looks away is a sack of rotten caramel corn or something.

You take care! :) Don't miss your stop!


currynana April 30 2008, 13:20:14 UTC
HAHAHAHAHA! Ah, i didnt even glare, but they looked away after my glance. ^A^
Thanks!!! XDDDD I'll be taking the train quite often...usually with my ipod, I'll be lost in the world of music but today without it, i was observant. =p
Ahh!!! you're watching hokaben now arent you!??! I will be patient...i will be patient. =p


shige_ako April 30 2008, 14:45:26 UTC
Yes, I was! :) I lowqualcapspammed again :'D


tepijin April 30 2008, 09:57:33 UTC
dies at shige_ako's comment..u should try that..LOL.

take care and see yah soon~~~~*coughs*..LOL=P


currynana April 30 2008, 13:24:13 UTC
Hahaha, i did...they looked away with just one glance, without me glaring. If they look away before i can even glare...imagine the power of my glare! XD
Yes yes yes!!! We shall~ AHAHAHA*coughverycoughsoon*HAHAHAHA.


sumomo_yuki April 30 2008, 11:01:46 UTC
e.. may be u took the wrong train?? XDDD how do u update onto lj?


currynana April 30 2008, 13:26:26 UTC
Hahaha, erm, probably...or just the wrong timing. It was like so gloomy. Train rides were usually happy! or at least...not so angry... >__<
Hahaha, thru Gmail on my phone. ^^


anonymous April 30 2008, 15:12:41 UTC
Neji here. Must be the claustraphobia


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