Our House - let me show you....

Jan 27, 2018 21:44

Sorry it's been a while since I posted, and I am still bad about commenting. But we have done quite a bit of unpacking now. Enough to finally find my missing underwear, and the toaster - although the whereabouts of the peg bag remains a mystery!

I have been taking a few photos over the last few days, and will put them under

This was the view from the living room at breakfast time yesterday -

As you can see - we can see the sea!

I should have taken a picture from outside but somehow forgot to - I'll post one soon.

Anyway - once through the front door it looks like this -

Go through the door on the left and you are in the study - a.k.a. S2C's territory!

Where we have quite a lot of shelves - but not enough, more are required. In the old house S2C had built shelves into all possible alcoves, but this house doesn't really lend itself to that. And so there are still a few boxes not unpacked...

His desk is made from the planks of reclaimed fishing boats, and he is very fond of it.

Coming out of there, the next room on the left is the kitchen - which is not very tidy, but you get the idea -

And through the kitchen is the utility room - currently full of boxes and things we haven't found a home for yet -

The plumbers have had a look, and will come to put a water/drainage supply in it soon so the washing machine can be in there. It is currently in the kitchen which is odd, when there is a utility room. There is a door to the garage from the utility room - the garage is currently a bit of a mess with some full boxes and a lot of empty ones as well as shelves and so on!

From the kitchen you walk behind the staircase to reach the main living area of the house. On the way you pass the bathroom -

Now the main living space. The door comes in at the side to your right as we face the front of the house -

A closer look at the settee on the right shows -

If you stand in front of the crosswise settee you can see the dining area and, leading from that, the conservatory -

This is fast becoming a favourite spot as there are quite a few birds who visit the garden. This is the garden -

As you can see there are quite a lot of bushes and shrubs growing ina tangle - some definitely need pruning! But under some in the far corner there is -

One open crocus and some daffs coming up.

Back indoors, if you climb the stairs, turning left at the top brings you to the spare bedroom, of which these are not very good pictures -

There is quite a lot of space and I think I will put some of the assorted craft stuff up there.

Turning right at the top of the stairs brings you to our bedroom -

So - that is the new house. Still a bit of a work in progress - almost no pictures on the walls yet, and some more bits of furniture to be added, some things to be moved around a bit. But it is beginning to feel as if we live here.

And a Mum update. To be honest it is like a roller coaster. On Thursday she couldn't lift her cup, was very drowsy, and was giving occasional one word answers or not taking in what we said. Today she told me what she had had for lunch, which she had managed herself, was keen to see the photos (as above) of the house on my phone, and made relevant comments about them. Tomorrow she might well be barely conscious again. We simply take each day as it comes.

house, mum

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