Title: Expedience Author: cupidsbow Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: All seasons, including Children of Earth. Summary: There's a reason Jack's never doing that again. Note: Beta by the incomparable
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Glad you like it. It's nice to be sharing a fandom with you again. I was feeling quite disconnected from fandom in general after such a long spell without writing fic.
I so want Jack to have a happy ending. I'm working on longer stories that get him closer to it, and they make me so happy. But there's a pleasure in snapshots too. I've really missed just jotting down ideas like this one.
Ai ai ai. So sad. Jack talking to himself is interesting - since he's a character who always seems to be in conflict with himself anyway. This was excellent.
I have a bit of a thing for Jack/Jack stories. Especially as he gets older, and his perspective on the world gets more and more unique to him alone. I think he might even seek himself out sometimes, after he's a million or so, just to be able to speak to someone who understands.
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Very nice.
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