Title: Insecta Haiku
cupidsbowFandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG-13
Note: I promised haiku in exchange for people guessing which story I wrote for
sga_santa. Here they are, all set in the
Class: Insecta 'verse. Thank you all for playing!
tardis80, who gave the prompt "red ribbon".
Teyla's scent is red,
a ribboning itch two days
a month: don't touch me!
aurora_84, who asked for "something after the end of Class: Insecta".
inside his head, John
climbs the walls, still searching for
the freedom of blue
insight2, who wins for most cryptic correct guess ever.
two human hands that
John watches, fascinated:
Rodney mapping him
John's skin uncharted
terra nullius; unclaimed,
unmarked, magical
And I'd also just like to rave for a moment, because
almost-clara made the best art of
Insecta John. His eyes are so lonely, they just draw me in and break my heart. I can't stop looking and looking at him.
Thank you,
almost-clara, I love it.
some days his face hurts
with clenched secrets; hard like an
I'm still very happy for people to play in this 'verse if they'd like to. Share the love of bug!John, I say. :)
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