Leaving Footprints Behind Master Art Post!!!

Jul 01, 2013 20:26

Title: Leaving Footprints Behind in spn_j2_bigbang
Author: cillab42
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Shortly after Dean comes back from Purgatory, there is still some unease between the boys. Sam’s jealous of Benny and Dean can’t decide which makes him angrier, the fact that Sam didn’t look for him or the fact that he took up with Amelia. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that he can’t openly acknowledge his relationship with Sam. Because everyone they know and care for is dead, the pull for a normal life is now something desired by both boys, Dean even more.

After cleansing her home of a ghost, a witch who located them by channeling Bobby through an Ouija board, decided to pay them with a ancient spell that will give them what they desire most, normalcy. As she performs the spell, Cas takes over her body and performs the spell making it extremely powerful actually giving them everything they want. By the time they make it to their next job, Dean’s pregnant, slowly turning into a woman, with long hair, a nice rack and a baby bump.

Art Warnings: BEWARE!The Schmoop, full-frontal nudity (it's artistic damnn it!), use of mixed media, liberal abuse of trade-marked faces, androgyny, HAIR!!!!, I like to draw knees and beefy thighs.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the art supplies and computer program it took to create these illustrations

Thank you so much to cillab42 for being a frickin' nomination for Sainthood and for blindly trusting me to not run-off with her fic-baby and abandon her! I have really enjoyed helping to bring this project to life, and hope that the art does the story justice!

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Main Title Banner: "The Impression That We Leave"
Medium: Watercolors, Pen & Ink, Adobe Photoshop 6


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“Sam pulled Dean back into the warmth of his body until his even breathing told him that the older man was asleep. Sam knew that he was going to have to get up and research that spell, but he was too comfortable to move right now. Dean needed him. For once in his life, he got to take care of Dean and Sam was not going to fail him.
As he lay there, Sam let his hands wander down and rest on Dean’s still flat stomach. Just this once Sam could glory in the fact that he and Dean could have this, that like their father, they could leave footprints behind telling the world that Sam and Dean Winchester existed.”

Title: "A Love That Blooms in You"
Medium: Graphite Pencil, Adobe Photoshop 6

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“He was completely turned on until he glanced into the mirror, because what the hell. It seemed as though his hair had grown another inch overnight. He knew that pregnancy hormones and postnatal vitamins caused hair and nails to grow, but this was ridiculous.
“Sam, something’s wrong here,” he informed the other man. “My hair shouldn’t grow this fucking fast.” And as soon as he spoke those words, another thought occurred to him, he hadn’t shaved since the morning Monica cast the spell.”

Title: "Reflections I"
Medium: Watercolors, Pen & Ink

And because I couldn't decide...

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Title: "Reflections II"
Medium: Watercolors, Pen & Ink, Adobe Photoshop 6

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“When his frayed nerves couldn’t take it any longer, Dean stood up, walked to Sam, and wrapped his arms around the big man. He just wanted to bring him some comfort, to do his job and take care of him.”

Title: "Hold You"
Medium: Graphite pencil, Adobe Photoshop 6

Thank you for stopping by!

spn, spn_j2_bigbang2013, fanart, leaving footprints behind

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