[Fic/Art] Not Alone; [Fic/Art] Coming Home; and art spam

Apr 30, 2011 17:08

Title: Not Alone
Author: cugami 
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: PG, Slash, Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: none
Word Count: 447
Summary: Realization always came too late.

In the future that was no longer there, Dean had asked a question and Cas had answered him that life happened. It hadn’t been pretty.

There were things Dean wanted to say and couldn’t. Things he’d rather do, and wouldn’t. His hands reached out to Cas, lingering by his arms, his shoulders then by his face but still, Dean wouldn’t take that last inch forward.

“I can’t lose this war, Dean.”

“You’re different now. What happened to you?”


“We’ll fix this,” Dean said, leaning forward to clasp that cold and expressionless face.


Title: Coming Home
Author: cugami
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Slash, Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: none
Word Count: 715
Summary: Every angel was created with a name, and a function. Their one purpose was to serve that function until the need was gone.

Every angel was created with a name, and a function. Their one purpose was to serve that function until the need was gone.

Castiel was a soldier and he was built for war. He would fight until there was nothing left of him that could be used for battle. If you rip off his wings, he would walk. If you cripple his legs, he would crawl. If you pull out his arms, he would fight with his teeth. And if you cut off his head, his blood would still be toxic enough to kill most creatures.

They talked about it once, a long time ago, and Dean dismissed it in jest like most of what they had before.

So Dean should have known that when Cas was forced to confess about a war machine, it really wasn’t an actual machine that could be built with souls.

Castiel was the war machine.

Dean was dreaming, he knew. Or else he wouldn’t be able to see this, the real Castiel that was remade again and again to become nothing but a tool for war. There were claws where soft hands used to be. Each feather glinted like steel, sharp as any blade that was meant to kill. The helm covered the eyes entirely that Dean was not sure Cas could really see. Or maybe Cas had no need for eyes in the first place. His entire armor shone like shards of broken mirrors that Dean could actually see himself reflected everywhere he looked that was not Cas’ face.

He wondered if Cas brought him here.

“No,” was the reply, even though the lips didn’t move. It was Cas’ normal voice, too, but it could be just in Dean’s mind as well. “You came to me through your dreams, human. This happens when you dream of war and use one of my lieutenants to seek me. It seems you have something that belongs to me. You would not be able to find your way here otherwise. What is it that you want in return, human?”

Balthazar was, at least, telling the truth. Dean would never forgive that angel for letting Cas go this far. He would never forgive himself just as much for not doing anything sooner when he'd begun to notice the changes. “Why do you keep calling me ‘human’? I’m Dean.”

“Dean. Are you here to return what belongs to me?”

“What do you think it is?”

Castiel’s gigantic clawed foot moved a step forward, and Dean tried not to flinch. “I cannot detect any object that should be mine in you. I have no time to play your games, human.”

“Balthazar said…” Dean cleared his throat, looked down on the floor and bit his lips.

“Balthazar is my lieutenant.”

“Yes… yes, he, uh,” This was pathetic, he griped silently. They’re on borrowed time as it were and who knew what the consequences would be if he stayed too long in this dreamscape? That in mind, he squared his shoulders and looked up at the face that had no familiar blue eyes; instead, all the eyes he could see were his, staring back at him.

If Cas didn’t come back to himself after this encounter, Dean’s not sure he’d see the angel again. Balthazar was very insistent that Dean was Castiel’s last link to humanity, and also the last soul Cas would want. Balthazar also said to offer Dean’s soul as bait and should Cas take it, then they’d lose the Cas who was their friend -- the one in the dirty trenchcoat. They’re all banking on Cas to recognize Dean’s soul and leave this cocoon of power he’d sequestered himself in.

“Balthazar said you’re in love with me.”

“I do not know love. I am a soldier, a warrior of Heaven. I am wrath made physical so there is no use for me other than this.”

“What’s to stop you from learning?”

Cas tilted his head and Dean felt a surge of hope in that familiar gesture.

“And is love a weapon?”

Dean felt his lips twitch, feeling all that he’d gained and lost because of love. So much regret and pain colored his world because of it. “I think it’s nasty and deadly.”

“Then teach me.”

“I promise. If you come back with me.”



I didn't realize I've done enough to actually cause an art spam. Tumblr makes me lazy to format stuff for LJ hence the delayed posting here.

For my Frat boy!Cas verse, also known as Enoch!verse.

Speed paint, 2.5 hours. I honestly didn't know I COULD do this but yay.

Just because he's cute doesn't mean he isn't BAMF. I dunno, I just twitch at all the weepy Cas I see too much of.

Still enjoying the new toy I learned, animating gif. lol *is simple minded*

Supernatural ripping off Good Omens left and right and I don't care

It really IS Good Omens now. lolol

Cas didn’t agree how Heaven operated before and did something about it.

Crowley didn’t agree with how Hell operated before and did something about it.

And now they’re working together to make things happen.

How is this a bad thing? :O

Total rebellion. Heaven and Hell needed new management, and now here are the boys who once were and the would be kings of two realms. Albeit Cas is more like the reluctant king… and they’re usually the best ones around, because the reluctant king would have no glorious ambition, but all the passion and sincerity of a child that dreamed the ideal.

fanfic, character: balthazar, character: dean winchester, spn: enoch!verse, character: uriel, character: castiel, art: sketch, actor: misha collins, art: speed painting, character: crowley, pairing: castiel/dean, art, fandom: supernatural

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