Title: What Price Victory?
cugamiRating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Pre-slash, Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: none
Word Count: 197
Summary: To the victor goes the glory of Heaven and Earth.
Note: An attempt at speed painting and going for the poster look :3 And I wanted something like a poster.
Two short swords fell to the ground, quiet as the last gasp of breath when death came. The fighting had stopped, the war had been won. One by one, the angels searched the sky and longed for home. And one by one, light rose from the depths of a human soul. It was time to go.
“I do not understand,” Castiel said at last, still looking at his empty hands. Something fell on his palms, then another and another, until he realized the source and could feel the moist stain on his cheeks.
To the victor goes the glory of Heaven and Earth.
Castiel closed his eyes to feel what remained of the Host, but the air was heavy where once upon a time it had been filled with exultation. When two arms snaked around him from the back, he did not have the will to fight against human strength. Instead, he fell to his knees and stared as the darkness around them lighted up upon the flight of angels.
“Is this what victory feels like?” he asked Dean, who had remained just as silent as the rest of the evening. The arms tightened around him instead.
EDIT: Companion piece:
Dean's Champion