I Kiss His Little BeakcuervolindaAugust 24 2006, 21:44:57 UTC
He is adorable! Such lovely plumage and bright eyes! My birds would flip out if I tried to put a harness on them. Did you start harness training him early on?
You are right. I am now overloaded with the cuteness. What is the cure?
He's so cute! I hope you had fun with the first birthday party, because party-wise, it's all downhill from here. Before you know it there will be tantrums over which plates to buy and, even worse, there will be little playmates who you hate and have to entertain anyway.
Wow, I'm a downer, aren't I? Can you tell that children's birthday parties, along with elementary school, are my most dreaded parenting things? I can't help it, but I just don't like other people's kids, unless they are my friends' kids. My friends' kids are usually cool, but that's because they are being raised by people I like. You are raising your baby alongside exotic reptiles, so clearly he will end up being extremely likable. And, even better, there's always that chance you can throw his less-likable schoolmates to the gator when no one's looking.
Not a Downer, a REALISTcuervolindaAugust 23 2006, 23:13:19 UTC
We were already warned by all our child-having friends not to waste our time with actual guests the same age as Kickentoot at this shindig. They told us horror stories and convinced us to just go out to eat somewhere we liked, as he would remember none of this. We were also warned that all a group of children under the age of four do is punch and torment one another, thus rendering the entire party one giant cry-fest.
Seriously, read Ray's post about the chick asking for money for starving overseas babies. We have a great idea to start a non-profit alligator farm that will help the world by lowering it's population of children. "For the price of a cup of coffee each day, you can sponsor this loveable baby-eating machine."
Natural SelectioncuervolindaAugust 23 2006, 23:32:14 UTC
We don't actually feed them to gators. We will just release them into public pools, lakes and par fountains once they hit the 10' mark and let God sort it all out via natural selection.
Your donation is used to buy nutritious meals, medical care, schoolbooks and perhaps a doll or a small toy for the alligator. Every month a Polaroid of the grateful alligator will be sent to you, along with an audio tape of distress calls thanking you for your contribution.
Say Thank You, KickentootcuervolindaAugust 23 2006, 23:59:16 UTC
Yeah, he's pretty photogenic. They seem to be neither brown nor blue, but more green or hazel. Hopefully they'll stay that way. Then he and Rufus look like blood brothers.
Could You Snatch Him For Like Two Weeks So We can Go on a Cruise?cuervolindaAugust 24 2006, 05:56:10 UTC
What are you talking about? He's smashing cake all over his face in these! He's more into EATING cake than he is into wearing it. If there was any doubt the hospital gave us the right child, that would erase it. Monkey and I are cake junkies. Hell, I've been eating spoonfulls of leftover frosting out of a bowl in the fridge all week now.
Comments 18
Resistance to da Cute is futile; you will be assimilated. All your bases are belong to Kickentoot ;-P
His majesty has his own photo galleries -
http://photobucket.com/albums/d110/SkyeDS > Arthur
Bet Kickentoot will be the only one in his preschool with a pet alligator ;-)
He's so cute! I hope you had fun with the first birthday party, because party-wise, it's all downhill from here. Before you know it there will be tantrums over which plates to buy and, even worse, there will be little playmates who you hate and have to entertain anyway.
Wow, I'm a downer, aren't I? Can you tell that children's birthday parties, along with elementary school, are my most dreaded parenting things? I can't help it, but I just don't like other people's kids, unless they are my friends' kids. My friends' kids are usually cool, but that's because they are being raised by people I like. You are raising your baby alongside exotic reptiles, so clearly he will end up being extremely likable. And, even better, there's always that chance you can throw his less-likable schoolmates to the gator when no one's looking.
Seriously, read Ray's post about the chick asking for money for starving overseas babies. We have a great idea to start a non-profit alligator farm that will help the world by lowering it's population of children. "For the price of a cup of coffee each day, you can sponsor this loveable baby-eating machine."
Your donation is used to buy nutritious meals, medical care, schoolbooks and perhaps a doll or a small toy for the alligator. Every month a Polaroid of the grateful alligator will be sent to you, along with an audio tape of distress calls thanking you for your contribution.
he is the cutest ever!!!!!!!!!!
where are pictures of him smooshing the hell out of those cakes?!!
he's going to be so allergic to chocolate.
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