Lisa E talks

Nov 24, 2009 20:21


The talented, hilarious and stunning Lisa Edelstein was interviewed by Ausiello: 'House' XXXclusive: Lisa Edelstein sounds off on Lucas, Huddy, and one huge (bleep)." As always, she's a hoot:

"• As I understand it, this episode on Feb. 8 is like a day in the life of Cuddy, right?
LISA EDELSTEIN: Yes. What’s interesting about it is it lets you know what her world is like when you don’t see her. When House does what he does. You see everything she has to deal with, and you get a better understanding of where she’s coming from."
"EDELSTEIN: [Laughs] Actually, in this one I kind of do all of it. There’s some sexual activity, there’s some partial nudity… The writer, Tommy Moran, said he couldn’t imagine writing an episode without having me take a shower.
• Unfortunately for Huddy fans, I hear it’s Lucas, not House, you’re taking a shower with.
EDELSTEIN: You know, we all have to go through things that we have to go through in life. And I think Cuddy is trying to explore having a relationship that would be considered normal. I myself have done this. It doesn’t work. But you have to try. I don’t know what their future plans are for Cuddy and Lucas, but I know from my own experience that when you have really bad taste in men, sometimes you just go, 'Oh, Okay, this is the guy that somebody else would date. So I’m going to see how that flies.'
• Is there anything else drawing her to Lucas?
EDELSTEIN: He’s well hung."
• It’s time now for the requisite Huddy question. Is there any hope for them?

EDELSTEIN: Their timing just really sucks. As soon as he was emotionally prepared to give [a relationship] a shot, she kind of gave up. But I’m rooting for them.

• When the day comes that they actually make a go of it, what else will we have to talk about?

EDELSTEIN: It’s like losing your virginity. After that, you’re just dirty. [Laughs] You’re just dirty and used."

I've always loved Lisa E so this doesn't surprise me or change my opinion of her. However, this doesn't change my somber opinion of the show either. All she is saying does not point at Shore & Co. changing their "all-life-is-suffering-the-more-the-better" spiel one bit. Good for Lisa of course that she gets to show her acting chops real well in this ep.

Finally, here's a nice photo of Lisa from TV Guide (thanks, cuddys_heart !):

huddy, photo, lisa e, cuddy, spoiler, 6x14, house, luddy, lucas

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