Season 6 Ep 1 spoilers

Sep 03, 2009 23:35

On the members-only section of, NayIsBack who received the 1st episode in a media kit, writes in detail about it (spread out over several posts, including answers to specific questions).

Basically, House somehow hooks up with sister-in-law of a fellow patient, kisses her, makes out with her and has sex with her in an office. He even goes to her house: she's married, 1 kid and is moving to Arizona... bye bye. See the forum for full details (it's free and the registration is quick and easy). A few thoughts that I jotted down while perusing the 16-pages-long post in question:

1) How the heck can the psychiatrist (Braugher) encourage House's infatuation with this Lydia? And give him a night pass to go and see her? Seems very unprofessional to me. It's still a mental institution, right? And all this without dealing with Amber, Kutner, Cuddy...? To get over/beyond something, you have to confront/ digest it first, don't you think? Moving on may be OK but only after resolving things first.

2) Also, Nay-thanks btw-, you mean there is no mention of either Wilson or Cuddy or anybody from PPTH visiting at all? Or if not, why this is the case? Wouldn't a psychiatrist encourage House to "make amends" in a way and/or prepare himself for his return to the hospital by re-establishing connections?

3) Braugher gives him the go-ahead to return, he's better now. This contradicts what official sources have said in that he supposedly won't have his license back for at least a few episodes after returning. I guess it could be that Braugher's signature is only the 1st step in a process.

4) About House being a pathetic loser or bastard who just shags whatever comes his way: doesn't jive with me. Sure, he talks a good game about hookers etc. but remember that we never really get to see much of that at all. For all we know, it could just be talk, sarcasm, hiding behind vulgarities. So the pattern may not be there. In the show we see him as unable to get close to any woman for real. Even his re-hookup with Stacy was very scatterbrained and doomed from the start.

5) Shore has lied constantly in interviews and spoilers and then afterwards used semantics to claim he didn't really. He doesn't own up to very tendentious promos. Oh yeah, it's the Fox PR department... Bullshit, he is very much in control: if he didn't want those promos, they wouldn't run, period. Come on, he's in a position of strength vs. Fox not the other way around. What did we see recently again: a Huddy promo (using the exact ship term) teasing/vouching a Huddy-centric story line in season 6. Why should we believe anything he says? He's misdirected or outward lied before after all.

6) I barely knew this show existed before Christmas 2008. I am a recent fan and found myself drawn in very quickly and deeply. What did it for me was Huddy: middle-aged people like me, with complicated emotions, aspirations and problems but with hope. Enough like real life to be recognizable for me but still a TV show where things work out OK in the end. Not a darn soap or reality show but intelligent, witty drama with comedic undertones. Enough already with the pseudo-psychology of doom. The real world is depressing enough, don't make this show into a draining, despondent mess.

7) Shore wrote this season 6 opener. He and Jacobs keep on claiming its like a movie on its own, etc. You know, if you guys want to film a dramatic, heart-churning "serious" movie, get the money and direct it, don't burden House MD with your directorial/producer pretensions. This is so out of character for House.

8) Maybe they want to keep House and Cuddy getting together till the very end of the series (season 7, 8, ?). I'm afraid that they're screwing things up so badly there may not be an official final episode because they got canceled before they could film it.

huddy, 6x01, amber, cuddy, kutner, spoiler, season 6, shore, house, asylum, psychiatrist, jacobs, wilson, stacy

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