Irregardless. Why does this word exist? It's in the dictionary, too. It means the same thing as regardless, so what the hell do you need a prefix for? The only thing worse than that, I think, is disirregardless. But I'm pretty sure my grandmother made that up to be ironic. People would say, "Well, irregardless, blah blah blah," and my grandma would smile all sweet and say, "I think you mean to say 'Disirregardless.'" And no one would get it, because they're all too illiterate to know that it wasn't a word to begin with. People make me angry, sometimes.
Comments 17
"Ink pen." Can I hold your ink pen?
As opposed to my lead pen? Or my sparkle pen? What pen doesn't have ink in it?!
*fumes* That tends to bother me way more than it should.
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