House: Season 8 - Early Review

Nov 03, 2011 19:28

The eighth season and beyond is a difficult time for any TV show. You’ve lost a few beloved cast members, done the obvious plots more than once, and might consider drastic change to keep things fresh. And so it is for Hugh Laurie’s cranky pill-popping Doctor House. Or is it ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

augussta November 3 2011, 15:35:05 UTC
Dear moderators, we need a tag 'tv series: House' ..


bassetlove November 3 2011, 18:55:59 UTC
I added one, but keep in mind, we also have a '!-house' tag for House related items. Thanks!


sasha20112011 November 3 2011, 18:10:01 UTC
All is truly written, a serial the best and now on the first place in a rating, is simple to it there is no new character with which at the House there would be relations, the strong character as for example Lisa or SAM CARR, it would be healthy if it had relations about the House then precisely all the rating would read off scale.


cuddyclothes November 3 2011, 19:07:29 UTC
I agree with everyone this reviewer says, although I can't stand the newbies.


lieueitak November 3 2011, 20:50:58 UTC
(Although is it me, or did Odette Annable’s prison doc have a personality transplant between episodes?) NEVER! This show is all about continuity and strong, perfectly constructed female characters. Oh wait...

If House still constitutes better than average, I weep for television as an art form. In order for the show to continue, it has had to throw out every bit of internal logic it has spent seven years crafting and pray that its viewers would either not notice that or be totally okay with it ( ... )


januarynineteen November 4 2011, 05:41:13 UTC
ALL OF THIS. It pisses me off so much. Cuddy was the only one who tolerated him and allowed him to keep his job, either because she still felt guilty about his leg, she was in love with him, she appreciated his genius and figured the amount of lives he saves outweighs the money he costs the hospital, or some combination of the three. It was always their thing and nobody would get it because they didn't know the history and they didn't see House the way Cuddy did.

Just, ugh. And why did Cuddy have to leave her job? How the hell does the asshole who everybody hates already anyway get away with scaring the Dean of Medicine and head administrator to the point that she leaves her hospital, moves away and takes a new job somewhere else while he gets to continue working at the same hospital? How did Foreman of all people get to take over her job? Wasn't he put in charge of House twice before and was highly unsuccessful at it both times? Didn't he have a criminal record for burglarizing houses and stealing cars? Didn't he get fired at New ( ... )


sasha20112011 November 3 2011, 22:32:00 UTC
At first I too so thought, but here at last a long-awaited series 8 season 4 series today has looked, very much it was pleasant, all in the spirit of former the House, show successfully proceeds, but all the same there are no love affairs the House.


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