Title: Five Things that Never Happened to Hiruma
Author: Reston
Summary: The title really is self-explanatory. Five could-have-beens.
Disclaimer: Oh, I wish.
Warnings: PG-13. Some violence, some suggestiveness. If you haven’t read every manga chapter, then some of these might not make as much sense as they otherwise would, plus you run the risk of
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Comments 60
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This was actually an insanely fun fic to write (except for the parts where I was agonizing), and it's great to hear that you enjoyed.
Liked #4 best. Agon is such a refreshingly evil villain.
Agon is indeed refreshingly evil, and you would not believe how much fun I had writing him that way. (Number 4 holds something of a special place in my heart, too.)
But man, yeah. Poor Hiruma indeed.
Number 4 rocks my non-existent shoelaces with the violence and absolute rational would-have-been-logistics of its situation, while number 3 is preciously in-character beyond belief. Actually, all are so deliciously in-character. (Good writing, mrrr.....) Number 1 is fine, so you can stop agonizing over it, and number 2 could've been better in that casino setting of yours, but is as good as it's going to get (as it is). And number 5.... yeah, physical description was done terrifically. The hotness. Yeah.
Now stop coming back to this post and editting, goddamit! D8
I'm glad you like it. I'm really glad you like it. I spent a long time on this one (as you very well know, and shut up, shut up, stop looking at me like that), and it's fantastic to hear that you think it's in character and hot and stuff. Really.
And I'm done editing! I'm done I'm done I'm done! Really! Don't kill me in my sleep because I still wanna write Mitsui!
One of my wifeys just informed me that she doesn't like Rukawa that much and instead already has an OTP that is Sendoh/Hanamichi.
The fact that she thinks Rukawa is some "gothic drag in a jersey..." My heart breaks.
Hah! Told you that Mitsui is better!
And the first encounter of Rui and Hiruma, just brilliant.
#3 was great, too xD
Thank you for sharing these jewels with us!
I'm glad you enjoyed!
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