Дональд Хоффман о "Чуде" в основе любой научной теории и невозможности создания "Теории Всего"

Sep 28, 2020 19:48

Professor Donald Hoffman Interview On Consciousness, Reality And Evolution


53 минута:

"(...) Every scientific theory makes assumptions and for the point of view of that theory those assumptions are the miracles of that theory. My colleagues don't like to talk about them as miracles but they're miracles in the sense that the theory does not try to explain these things. It just merely assumes them and it can't explain them.

If you assume space and time is fundamental - you're asking for a miracle. (...) Where does space and time come from I don't know. I can talk about a Big Bang, but you know right there at the singularity a miracle occurs.

And now you can try to get rid of that miracle -  you can say, -  well, you know like I can say I want a deeper theory like Seth Lloyd has said, - "I can get rid of space time by having quantum bits and quantum gates". So there's this the fundamental reality now in this theory is quantum circuitry, not in space and time. It's a circuitry outside of space and time and then he shows how each quantum gate the action at the gate gives you a little curvature of patches space time.  And you can go to quantum gravity. So great! So now you've explained space-time. That's no longer a miracle but now you've got the quantum bits and gates that's your miracle, right? And that's the point.

It's like when kids ask parents, - but why is the sky blue? Well, it's because of the way light scatters off like... well... why does?.... and you keep asking these WHY? questions... So you finally go "That's just the way it is!!!"... I mean - I stop!!! And that's the way science is too - you stop at these fundamental assumptions.

And I say that just to make the point that at the heart of every scientific theory are these assumptions. There's no such thing as a "Theory of Everything". There's a theory of everything except my assumptions. Because the assumptions are my miracles. So I can give you a theory of everything except these.

I want to keep the assumptions to a minimum like that's what I was saying with my theory of consciousness. I'm trying to keep the assumptions to a minimum: Conscious Experiences exist. They inform decisions. Those are my miracles. And they're big miracles but space and time is a miracle too and it's a BIG BIG miracle.

So the reason I say this is that people will go, -"... you know, Hoffman you're proposing that conscious experiences and free choice are fundamental..." - yes! Those are miracles! It's just like that's too big a miracle and I just want to point out that's the way science works. You put your miracles on the table.

Space and time is just as big a miracle as red and green and conscious experiences! They're all miracles, quantum bits and gates - are just as much a miracle so what we're doing it so  we're all equal here.
We're all putting miracles on the table.(...) What can you do with the miracles that you've assumed? How much else can you explain? If I start with a space and time miracle, a physicalist miracle, we've utterly failed to explain anything about consciousness.  I mean, there's not one of these physical theories that can explain even one specific conscious experience like the taste of chocolate.

What is the integrated information computational architecture causal computational circuitry that must be or give rise to the taste of chocolate
or any specific experience? They can't do it - "orchestrated collapse of microtubules states"... Okay! What is the "orchestrated collapse" that is the taste of vanilla or any specific conscious experience? What is the global workspace structure and broadcast circuitry that is you know the smell of garlic?
Please just give me one example of one experience that you can say what the physicalist structure is that gives rise to it!  They can't do a single one! That's what I mean by there is no explanatory power for even one conscious experience!"

о наболевшем, quantum quackery, то что держит в этом лучшем из миров, метафизическое, люблю этот мир, сначала хочу разобраться в себе, измененные состояния сознания, наука, фантазии на сон грядущий, космос, жизненное, философия, трансперсональная психология, цитаты

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