Credits TCG - Card Post

Jul 23, 2011 05:02

Card Post at credits_tcg (Primary Site) for perarduaadast.

Credits TCG ▶

▶ Name: Skie
Dates Played: 8/1/11 - 12/6/11.

▶ Cards: 40.
Trades: 110.




Current Collection ▶

Meganekko - 20/20
-- - --/20
-- - --/20
Michishirube - 20/20
-- - --/20




Future Collection ▶ [--]


Trade Pile ▶ [--]


Keeping / Event Cards: [1]


[Joining]: Biggest04, Cagayake20, GoHome12, GetAlong12, IruYo11, Michishirube03, Michishirube04, Michishirube07, Sugitakisetsuwo14. & TrustYou06 and KamiyaHiroshi10.
[Joining]: KamiyaHiroshi16, MiyanoMamoru20.
[Other]: Event(Prejoin), Backstage Pass(Skie).
{1-2} Kuri (): Iruyo11 for Meganekko06. (+Backstage Swap).
{3} Cassidy (): (Backstage Swap).
[Prejoin Release]: Iruyo06, Crossover03, Fire07, Guns&Roses11, CorePride14, YourBeats08, CloudAge09, and SecretBase04(Puzzle).
{4-5} Mara (): KamiyaHiroshi16 for Michishirube20. (+Backstage Swap).
{6} Kerry (): (Backstage Swap).
{7} Norkia (): CloudAge09 for Michishirube18.
{8-9} Akito (): Guns&Roses11 for Michishirube11. (+Backstage Swap).
{10} Trade Kerry (): GetAlong18 for Michishirube08.
{11} Trade Tari (): TrustYou06 for Michishirube17.
{12-14} Trade Aletha (): Fire07/GoHome18 for Meganekko15/Michishirube10. (+BP Swap)
{15} Trade Norkia (): (+BP Swap).
[Prejoin02] Seiyuu Discussion: DaiaNoHana16.
{16} Trade Chuu (): (+BP Swap).
{17} Trade Cassidy (): CorePride14 for Michishirube14.
{18} Trade Kuri (): IruYo06 for Michishirube01.
{19-20} Trade Hitomi (): YourBeats08 for Michishirube15. (+BP Swap).
{21-22} Trade Silver (): SecretBase04 for Michishirube12. (+BP Swap).
[Prejoin] Day 05: Alright07, Biggest07, BlueBird01, BlueBird05, TrustMe17, Star[1x].
[Prejoin] Day 03: Biggest06, Rewrite02, TrustMe19.
[Prejoin] Day 06: NyanTra04, OverTheSky12.
{23} Trade Jas (): MiyanoMamoru20 for Meganekko14.
{24} Trade Harumi (): SugitaKisetsuWo14 for Pre-Parade05.
{25} Trade Kuri (): DaiaNoHana16 for Pre-Parade14.
{26} Trade Chuu (): CrossOver03 for Michishirube05.
{27-40} Trade Aisu, Curry, Gil, Harumi, Jas, Ka-chan, Lee, Marie, Ouji, Roax, Tari, Twiggy, Wing: BP Swaps.
[Prejoin] Day 14: Fire12, Meganekko11, Yasashiku16.
[Prejoin] Day 07: Biggest15, Hanamaru16.
[Prejoin] Day 10: EternalDiva02, Yasashiku20.
{41-43} Trade Ralene (): Biggest06/Biggest07 for Cagayake14/Meganekko16 (+BP Swap).
{44} Trade Zags (): GoHome18 for Cagayake16.

{44-58}[BP Swaps]: Aby, Anna, Becca, Belle, Eiji, Elisia, Kat, Kayori, Kearin, Kristi, Nammy, Lex, Vic, Zweilous.
{59-60} Trade Vic (): TrustMe17/TrustMe19 for AshLikeSnow13/Pre-Parade12.
{61} Trade Aby (): Fire12 for Don’tSayLazy12.

[Release] September: HiyokuNoHane09, Passion03, Period17, Howling18, Maniac02, NoThankYou04, Utauyo04, FirstEpisode02, FirstEpisode06, and Event(GrandOpening).
[Prejoin] Day 12: IruYo10, LastWolf09, AshLikeSnow03, NoScared03.
[Prejoin] Day 08: Rewrite11, Fire10, GetAlong07, KamiyaHiroshi07.
[Prejoin] Day 11: GetAlong08, Kesenai05, Tank05, Connect05, Star.
{62-66} [BP Swaps]: Allmia, Aru, Destiny, Joey, Rizu
[Prejoin] Day 13: Mezase11, Pre-Parade05.
[Prejoin] Day 09: SecretBase14, Bakusou20.
{67} Trade Mara (): KamiyaHiroshi10 for Meganekko01.
[Vintage Box]: Cagayake12, Connect02, and Donuts09.
[Gradesheets 1-3]: DontSayLazy03, Maniac01, Butterfly05, Crawl18, Period18, RinbuRevolution03, IrinoMiyu20, BlueBird07, Oneesan05, 3x Star.
{68} Trade Eiji (): BlueBird01 for Michishirube02.
{69} Trade Aletha (): HiyokuNoHane09 for Howling04.
{70} Trade Chuu (): Passion03 for Howling01.
{71} Trade Zags (): Period17 for Howling11.
{72-74} Trade Kuri (): GetAlong07/LastWolf09/OverTheSky12 for Cagayake05/Cagayake18/Michishirube13.

[FirstMasteryOpinion]: Alright08.
[Game] Broken Record 01: ExDream15, HiyokunoHane03, MiyanoMamoru12, Rinburevolution08.

{75-77} [BP Swaps]: Chikky, Eri, Joyce,
[Release]: Lalala06.
{78} Trade Marie (): AshLikeSnow03 for Meganekko04.
{79} Trade Norkia (): Mezase11 for Meganekko19.
{80} Trade Kristi (): Bakusou20 for Michishirube06.
[Game] Kuro/Suppi's Treats: Period18 for Pre-Parade17/SorairoDays08/MajiLove17.
{81-82} Trade Curry (): Alright07/Yasashiku16 for Pre-Parade01/Meganekko10.
{83} Trade Mara (): FirstEpisode02 for Meganekko07.
{84} Trade Joyce (): EternalDiva02 for Connect07.
{85-87} Trade Kearin (): BlueBird05/BlueBird07/Pre-Parade14 for Meganekko05/Meganekko08/Meganekko12.
[Game] Odd one Out 01: Prototype12, DaiaNoHana13, Antenna14.
[Game] Where did..from? 01: HarukaKanata14/Pre-Parade07/Pre-Parade14.
[Game] Etude 01: GoHome16, Hallelujah10.
[Game] Ryuichi's Doodles 01: RhythmEmotion02, NoScared08, SecondFlight02.
[Game] Higher/Lower 01: StraightJet17, Maniac13.
{88} BP Swap: Zags.

{89} Trade Cassidy (): MajiLove17 for DontSayLazy15.
{90} Trade Zags (): Butterfly05 for Prototype16.
{91-93} Trade Eiji (): Crawl18/RinbuRevolution03/RinbuRevolution08 for Cagayake10/NamidaNoMukou02/Pre-Parade19.
{94-95} Trade Senren (): Alright08/ExDream15 for NoScared12/Pre-Parade09.
[Game] Kero Suppi's Treats 02: MiyanoMamoru12 for Utauyo19.
{96-97} [BP Swaps]: Marge, Senren.
[Gift] Aru (): Colors01, DreamWing08, Pre-Parade20, PokemonBW10, SecretBase04/07/08, SoundWorld03, and MiyanoMamoru09.
[Game] Triton's Trivia 01: GetOver12, Prototype11, Re-Sublimity16.
[Game] Oz's Odd 02: Asterisk05, Lalala14, SoundDisc09.
{98} [BP Swap]: Dany.
{99-100} Trade Marge (): IrinoMiyu20/Yasashiku20 for Maniac05/Prototype04.
[Pawn Shop]: Donuts09, PokemonBW10, MiyanoMamoru09, Nyantra04, SecretBase04, SecretBase07, SecretBase08, SecretBase14, SoundWorld03 FOR: Meganekko02/Meganekko03/Meganekko09.
{101-102} Trade Mara (): GetOver12/NoThankYou04 for Meganekko13/20.
[Gift] Chuu (): Ticket[x2].
[Game] Etude 02: Mezase11, Yasashiku16.
[Mastery] Meganekko: SuperDriver05, HoshiNoSumika09, Maniac10, Hacking07, Stampx1, Starx1.
[Mastery] Michishirube: Michishirube14, OneWorld15, Howling20, Ticketx1
{103} Trade Kuri (): OneWorld15 for Maniac12.
[Redemption Shop]: Tickets[3], Stars[6] for: Michishirube09/Michishirube16/Meganekko17/Meganekko18.
[Redemption Shop] Gradesheets [4-5]: CloudAge10, Hologram18, DontSayLazy05, IzayoiNamida02, Utauyo07, GoodTimes03, 2xStar.

{104} [BP Swap]: SasuraUchiha.
[Game] High Note 01: IchirinNoHana05, MizukiNana06, Irony12, Marukaite08, NamidaNoMukou18.
[Vintage Box]: AshLikeSnow09, Maniac04, Pre-Parade13.
[Level Up] Track 02: Hologram14, Romanesque08, HiyokuNoHane05, Michishirube19, Ticketx1, Starx1.
{105} Trade Eiji (): DaiaNoHana13 for Pre-Parade03.

[Game] Triton's Trivia 03: Alright06, Fire19.
{106} Trade Eri (): Lalala06 for Howling03.
[Deck Donation] [Dragon Soul]: RinbuRevolution07, ChangeTheWorld04, EternalDiva03, Ticketx1.
[Game] Compilation 02: Dorchadas15, Utauyo14, Yasashiku01.
{107} Trade Ka-chan (): Re-sublimity16 for NoScared16.
{108} Trade Gil (): SoundDisc09 for Pre-Parade18.
{109-110} [BP Swaps]: Pam, Raissa
[Game] High Note: GetOver10, StraightJet14.

The end.

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