meme >> plotting between the lines

Jan 19, 2009 15:25

my_slate my_slate my_slate

Presumably, our characters have lives that happen when we aren't playing them, as none of us can play 24/7. Some of the things that happen are tedious and everyday and not worth thinking much on: It's fair to assume they eat, bathe, go to work or school as it applies, etc. But there might be things that happen between characters that, while not necessarily requiring a thread, are important to note for the sake of development. The important stuff should always be played out, but we know you can't always play everything, and sometimes you need a little nudge in the right direction.

What this meme is all about is expanding on communication between players, to better create a personal history that you can then use to better build character relations.

Create a post in your character's journal where others can ask for or give details of interaction/shared experiences that haven't been played out, and then link that post in a comment here. The details can be silly or trivial (They see each other at breakfast everyday, is Ava a granola or Belgian waffles kinda girl?), or a shared anecdote (Remember that time Tori and Souji duct-taped themselves together?), or the seeds of a bigger plot to be played out later.


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