Taking Chances

Mar 02, 2010 23:53

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Pairing: Bette/Tina

Rating: PG13

Spoilers: Post Season 1

Summary: AU. After Bette cheats on Tina she realizes that she has made the biggest mistake in her life. Broken, she leaves LA and goes to Washington DC to start anew.

Authors Note: This popped in my head after re-watching season 1 of The L Word.

Chapter 1: Bette's POV

What the hell have I done? Why do I always manage to fuck up everything good in my life? Correction : The best thing in my life. I cheated on my best friend and wife. I'm a sorry excuse for a human being. My friends look at me in anger and disgust. I feel so dirty. I am not used to feeling so weak and useless. I should of just told Tina about how I was feeling without turning to Candace.

There was a lot of things I should of done, I realize that now.

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. My eyes open again as I hear, 'Flight 445 is ready to board. I repeat flight 445 is ready to board,' come over the intercom of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). That's right. I decided to leave my friends and family behind to start over in Washington D.C. After feeling sorry for myself for about a month and avoiding all my friends and Tina, I decide to leave LA. Kit is the only one who knows that I'm leaving.

I thought that it would be better if I didn't tell the others, if they would even talk to me. They seemed to take Tina's side which hurt, but I knew they made the right choice. The only one that would talk to me is Kit. After confirming to my friends that I did cheat on my soulmate, I told them to fuck off and go be with Tina, that I didn't deserve their company. And leave they did, all except my sister Kit. She wasn't there to be nice at first. She yelled and cussed at me for over an hour. I had expected nothing less. When Kit gets angry with me she goes into full blown big sister mode.

Usually it's entertaining but that night all I could do was cry when Kit finally stopped shouting. She took one look at my tears and cradled me for the rest of the night. I don't know what I would do without Kit. She kept me from going off the deep end and doing something stupid. After that I decided to pack my bags and leave. So here I am walking toward the gate, leaving the life I knew behind, leaving Tina behind. I can't call her my best friend, wife, or keeper of my soul anymore. I lost that right a month ago. I blinked back tears and kept walking.

Before I had walked another step though, a voice broke through the crowd of people around me, calling my name.

Continue? Or not?

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