Challenge #7 The Seven Dwarves...

Apr 01, 2009 20:14

April Fool's day!

The theme for this month is The Seven Dwarves. Not as in people of restricted height - you've got to stand them all next to Frank Tripp - but as in their names.

Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy and Dopey.

You can choose any CSI, labrat, detective or ME to illustrate one of those names. Or groups. You might have Hawkes, Flack and Stella as Dopey, Grumpy and Happy. Up to you!

I've provided some caps, one for each name for each CSI show. You don't have to stick to these, nor do you have to interpret them as I have. What I think is Ecklie being Dopey might say Grumpy to you.

Unfortunately, Modern Day Gallery, where I get most of my big caps, is offline now, so they're not so big and pretty as they might be. If anyone knows a good source of promo pics, let me know.

The rules -
* Wallpapers should be 800 x 600 pixels.
* You can enter up to three wallpapers.
* This is an anonymous challenge. Wallpapers should not have been posted anywhere else until voting ends.
* Please submit your entries as links in comments to this post - they will be screened. There is no need to post the images.
* The deadline will be 15th April. It's different - see the end of the post for reasons.
* Voting will take place from then for a week.

Pics (click for full-size)

I won't say which dwarf goes with which pic. It's your interpretation. Maybe I should run a separate challenge to match dwarves to pics!

I have changed the deadline date. I'm thinking that three weeks might be too long and give people so long that they forget about it. So this is an experiment - two weeks, plus time for extension if needed. Okay? Comments would be appreciated.

There you are, then! Happy wallpaper-making!


challenge: #7

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