I got three more doujinshi today, and spent an hour with a big sappy grin on my face. XD By coincidence, all three of them happen to have mid-timeskip Simon/Nia, so I couldn't be happier. ♥
Added to my
Spiral Lovers by Aurora Vision
SUGAR BABY LOVE by AND OVER/Mangetsu Icchoume (came with a small postcard)
Simple Is Best! by Gura
Spiral Lovers
This was small and quite short, but I still loved every page. ♥ I love how light and airy Aurora Vision's art looks.
The moment I saw that it had teenage!Simon training in hand-to-hand fighting, my thoughts were "OMG THIS WAS SO TOTALLY WORTH IT." XD;;
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0746.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0747.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0748.png SUGAR BABY LOVE
Two stories about Simon's failed attempts to propose to Nia. Fluff and lulz aplenty. XD I like both Awa and Kizashin's art so I enjoyed both stories.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0749.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0750.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0751.png Simple Is Best!
Color illustrations fffffffffff. *____*
I was honestly a bit "meh" about Satomi's half; her art isn't bad, but something just felt kinda off for me. But still, it was mid-timeskip! And Tsumu's half made it all totally worth it so I'm still very fond of Gura's work. ♥
This...this was just so adorably hilarious. XDDD Simon, Nia, and Rossiu discovering cameras for the first time.
Simon: Photograph?
Nia: Camera?
Rossiu: *explaining what he learned about cameras and photos from Leeron*
Nia: Oh, there are little people in this! Hello!
Simon: There's people in this...?
Rossiu: Dammit they're not listening!!!
Nia: Rossiu, I think these people might be sick! They're not moving!
Rossiu: ...Well that's...
Nia: SI-SIMON!!! Simon, are you okay? Simon...Simon!!
Simon: I can't...I can't see...
And then Yoko comes in, takes a picture of the three of them, and they all look so horrified by it. XDD
The rest takes place in the week before the wedding and so is full of dawwwww and bawwwww. The way Tsumu writes these two together is just...perfect. ♥
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0756.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0757.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0758.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/CSakuraS/DSCN0759.png And so, my updated Wishlist:
Flashback by bit
World End by Gura
Moshimo no Sekai by Gura
Taiyou to tsuki no hi by Gura
Hitori to Ippiki by OVERCAT (Or any other Simon/Nia doujinshi by OVERCAT)
Kimi no Himitsu by Mizutama
Butamogura demo dekiru doriru kyouhon by AND OVER/Mangetsu Icchoume
CHANGE! by strongests
Any of the previous staff doujinshi from the Rakugaki Drill series (that I can find at a reasonable price).