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Comments 36

joulez217 December 14 2010, 20:33:25 UTC
As I've said rather a lot in the last hour, the new boots = epic awesome! XD LOL.

Oh I'll read her fic, hehe, glad to see you've influenced someone into the ways of fic writing! :P LOL.

I've not written TW fic for....on near on a year now, last piece I wrote was a post-CoE one! I miss the fandom, or I miss the way the fandom use to be, now it just seems like people are always complaining bout stuff! :(

New Fandom...erm....Walking Dead you seen that yet? Very good if quite predictiable for a zombie series but yeah Walking Dead.

Also my life = work at the moment! :P


cs_whitewolf December 14 2010, 22:58:54 UTC
Hee. I can't wait to wear them out tomorrow :D

cheers hun! Yeah, I know. Mistress of Temptation FTW! hehe

I know what you mean. The fandom sucks. I really miss the old days back when it was new and shiny and we'd pretty much just formed The Tribe!

I've got all the episodes but have yet to watch it yet. I've heard mixed reviews, but seeing as I've got them and will have some free time over xmas/newyear, I'll give it a shot :D there's not that many eps, right?

UGH. I know what you mean. It's rubbish, isn't it? XD


joulez217 December 15 2010, 21:45:40 UTC
Ditto the missing the fandom, plus at least people were bloody respectful then as well, am sure I read something last night (or the other day) were someone literally tore someone else to shreds for mis-typiing something. We can has them good days back yeah?

Oh its good, it's you're average zombie apocolapyse type thing, I liked it and I don't normally like that type of thing. It's a bit slow to get going and I think episode 4 was slow, very slow, but it leaves you on a nice cliffhanger and makes you want S2. George said only 6eps for S1, but a full 13 for S2 XD

Totally, although the amounts people are spending makes me laugh and want their bank accounts! :P


cs_whitewolf December 16 2010, 23:03:50 UTC
Totally! They're all so bitchy and scary now D: ...seriously!? omg. that's horrible!

heh. Well, like I said, I've got the links so I'ma try and find some time to watch it over the xmas/new year break :D Why does this country make such small series!?

haha. there is that!


entangled_now December 14 2010, 20:52:30 UTC
This month is, without doubt, boot jealousy month! Because those are a fantastic pair of boots which definitely deserve to be flaunted around ♥

I'm sure I'm due a snowpocalypse too!


cs_whitewolf December 14 2010, 23:02:56 UTC
XD thanks! I'm so inlove with them. It's probably not healthy after only owning them for around 6hours, haha.

But yeah. It was really a case of "need boots asap" before the snow arrives. I just got lucky with how gorgeous they were XD

FAIL. Why is there snow?! Stupid county! lol.


ks_darkstorm December 14 2010, 21:22:52 UTC
Thanks so much for the shout out sis, I'm not embarrased at all ;)
And I agree with your fic sentiment wholeheartedly!
I doubt we would be ever be able to look each other in the eyes again.

Also, your boots=iwantyespls!

Much love ;P


cs_whitewolf December 14 2010, 23:05:14 UTC
You're welcome. Don't say I never did anything for you!

And yes. I'm glad we're in agreement on that front. I shudder to think what you'd come up with ;P

MY BOOTS! MINE! BOOHISS. touch them and die!



_stolendreams_ December 14 2010, 22:06:06 UTC
Oooh, creating a family tradition. Nice! I'll definitely give her fic a read if I ever convince myself to finish packing.

You should write more for Torchwood. We need more good writers. Just... don't bring Ianto back from the dead, okay?

IDEK what's happening outside of my room lately, let alone my end of the country. Stupid uni work. Fandoms? I'm massively behind on all of them. I am going home tomorrow so I promise to start on Leverage or Criminal Minds by the weekend :p I can't wait for an internet connection that doesn't give up halfway through a BBC Iplayer show <3


cs_whitewolf December 14 2010, 23:10:57 UTC
XD Well you know me, Mistress of Temptation and all that jazz. ;D muhahahaha! You'll love the shows, promise!

I don't know if I can stomach the fandom side of things, but I'm having fun writing the team atm! We shall see! This might just be a phase I'm over with in another month though! LOL ...are you still hanging around the fandom?

Safe trip home, hun! <33


_stolendreams_ December 15 2010, 00:21:46 UTC
I still have the torch_wood comm on my flist, although I generally scroll past everything on that. Other than that I've got the newsletters to fill me in on actual interesting news and of course fandom_wank and wank_report are usually a good indicator of how crazy the fandom is at any one time ;)


cs_whitewolf December 15 2010, 12:01:50 UTC
I've still got the newsletter but tend to just scroll past it, lol. ...is there anything interesting happening in the fandom??? XD


galaxy_song December 14 2010, 22:35:02 UTC
Oh prettyboots, make me think of Hit Girl was Kick Ass:)

Weather sucks so much, when it all started to melt Im pretty sure building in the hospital had burst pipes. It's a good thing I now carry 3 spare pair of socks around with me.

The only thing I would rec would be Misfits if you don't already watch it. Did take me a couple of episodes to get into but so glad I did:)

I sneeked a look at a Criminal Minds spoiler (Moment of weakness) for 2.12 I just bet it's the ep we wont get to January and it sounds amazing.


cs_whitewolf December 14 2010, 23:22:55 UTC
Oooo I liked Hit Girl as well! XD

Ugh, I know! I'm totally stealing your idea. Spare socks are an awesome idea! But mostly because my feet were so damn cold last week I wasn't even sure they were still attatched to me! lol.

Misfits, I've heard of it, and that it's really good, but haven't seen it yet! Will certainly add it to my list :D you're the second person who's recced it to me so better give it a shot.

OMG I SAW IT TOO! Alas, you're right, we won't get it till January. EEEEE I don't know whether to be excited or scared for it!


galaxy_song December 14 2010, 23:51:28 UTC
I'm looking forward to Thursday just in the hope that there is a promo for it like Supernatural.


cs_whitewolf December 15 2010, 12:02:32 UTC
::grins:: for sure! XD


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