{ and tell me stories of the past }

Mar 17, 2010 22:22

Okay, I know I swore blind that I'd never ever in a million years attend another Rogue Events convention( *) but umm... I JUST COULDN'T RESIST, OKAY!? IT'S NOT MY FAULT D: ...actually it's all zeitheist's fault if I'm honest, as she's the one who twisted my arm and got me signing up not only for Asylum4 but Asylum5 too. I HAVE NO SELF-CONTROL ASDFGHJKL!... ( Read more... )

event: asylum 5, event: asylum 4, on writing: challenges, on writing: beta request

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Comments 16

zeitheist March 17 2010, 22:49:10 UTC
I'm sorry for leading you when I know you're easily led :(


I don't mind beta-ing for you! I've got the weekend off, provisionally, and it'll be a nice break from that mountain of work.


cs_whitewolf March 18 2010, 19:51:59 UTC
XD you know I love it really! heh.

thank you! It's pretty easy reading plot wise (or lack of ;D) I'll send it over once I'm done :)

asdfghjk icon love! XD where's that one from?!


zeitheist March 18 2010, 20:12:17 UTC
Yeah, I know. *snug*

Super! I'll let you know if my situation changes and I can't do it, or anything ridiculous like that.

That is Misha in a sci-fi series called... Seven Days, I think? Never seen the episode in question I'm just worryingly attracted to welding goggles. I made it myself! :D


cs_whitewolf March 18 2010, 20:19:32 UTC
::snugs tight::

also, INTERVIEW! How did it go?! It was for today wasn't it?

no worries, like I said I'm not in any rush so if you can't do it gimme a shout and I can get someone else :)

heh, he looks ridiculously attractive in goggles! XD and bravo! I love the background for it, really gives him an ooomph, heh.


loki_dip March 18 2010, 12:15:19 UTC
Ouch, that is bad caving. I did A1 (decided it was their first event and should have leeway), A2 (less said about that the better) and then only did A3 because my friends from work were going (benobsessed and S who is not on LJ, *does the my mentor at work was a slasher dance*) and they'd never been to a con and I couldn't leave them alone.

N.E.V.E.R. A.G.A.I.N. Especially after knowing what he did to some of his crew after the first two events. Like blaming them entirely for things. It's disgusting what they get away with.

On to happier things. Yay for the writing. I am worried about the sncross_bigbang. It's only 3000 so far :(. But I will finish! Perhaps. I really need people who know it to chat with. Though go you on doing two at once!!

If you're stuck for a beta have some free time on Sunday after the Medieval Banquet. Drop me an e-mail. ;p


cs_whitewolf March 18 2010, 19:58:31 UTC
I know! XD but well, I'm going for my girls and the guests and I will make them both awesome weekends and give RE hell if they start their shit ;D

FAIL RE, FAIL! D: ...I feel like such a contradiction attending whilst hating on them but ugh.

Hey, 3000words is a bloody great achievement! :D heh. I don't know your other fandom but if you want to chat about it feel free and I'll try to offer any opinions you're looking for :) ...I think I'm stark raving mad doing two at once, haha. The achievement will be finishing them both!

I've had an offer but if that falls though you may well be getting an email, thank you! ...and hey, enjoy your banquet!


loki_dip March 19 2010, 08:42:18 UTC
Hopefully that will be all that you do. Just beat Wayne with a stick (I had this new idea of how to make RE money. Open a new event, where Wayne and Paul stand on a line, and attendees pay 5 pound a go to throw things at them. Think how rich they would be. I would get several. It would be stress relief.)

That'd be good. I'll take you up on that this weekend! I'm thinking about dropping out - I found out yesterday that I am actually making myself fairly ill by doing too much. Nice to find out why I'm having randoms bouts of pain though. *facepalms* But I figure if maybe I just keep trundling along and don't worry too much about the deadline? (apocabigbang is ready to post pretty much so that's not a worry). Ah the contradictions and glutton for punishment. No wonder I'm sick. *sighs*

Two at once is crazy. Staggering is better. Not that I'm any better, *shifty* 2 reel_merlin fics as well. ;p You will do awesome though! Honest. And you're a good writer too, so you definitely should finish for the readers!

*g* No sweat. The banquet will be lots of fun.


timecake March 18 2010, 13:07:39 UTC
I adore that your arm was easily twisted :D
Because I get an extra two weekends with two of my favourite girls :hugs:


cs_whitewolf March 18 2010, 20:00:09 UTC
::giggles:: you would!

But yeah, it's the getting to hang out with my girls that definitely won me over (well that and the lure of awesome guests ;D)


timecake March 18 2010, 20:06:40 UTC
Yes the awesome guests are awesome!
I knew it wouldn't be long before you and zeitheist succumbed to A5! The lure of Misha is far too great! xD

Although I'm hoping A5 will be my last Rogue event. Cuz the prices they're charging for photoshoots and all these new restrictions are outrageous.
I can't say outright that I'm not going to any more cuz I know if they get a guest I desperately want to meet, then I'll most likely cave!

I am so looking forward to May now :D It better hurry up and get here quicksmart!


zeitheist March 18 2010, 20:15:25 UTC

And yeah, the events are getting a little bit ridiculous, price-wise and in terms of what you can do. I don't think it's any surprise that the new prices and regulations came in after Rogue went and saw how they run SPN events in America. But I can't complain, because I'm still going.

(Isn't Misha's photoshoot like £30 though? And they're not holding any back for the event. FFS)

Eeeee I get to see you both agaiiiiiin. *smishes*


so_severus March 19 2010, 03:59:19 UTC
haha :)

I understand your lack of self control :) I hope it's lots o ffun!


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