{ truth and bone }

Oct 29, 2009 18:46

§ Collecto-London: So, I know we're all still in recovery mode from The Hub3, but I was wondering if anybody had started making plans about Collecto-London yet? Ideally I'd like to know which days people are planning to stay in London. I know the Saturday evening is a given, but is anyone planning to stay another night either before/after this one ( Read more... )

challenge: caspe-wri-mo, event: collectormania: london '09, challenge: tw_bigbang, event: the hub4, fandom: torchwood, on writing

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Comments 63

absinthefairy88 October 29 2009, 21:47:32 UTC
I wish I were coming with you to Collecto-London. Seems me and Misha are never meant to meet. Could be a good thing since my brain will probably shut down the second I see him lol.

Hub4 is getting more likely by the day for me. Especially since I apparently have a good chance of a proper job :D Give me something to do till I become famous

I'm going to give wri-mo a shot though I'll fail on an epic scale no doubt.


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 00:13:01 UTC
You'll get your chance with him one day! but until then, he is mine! muhahahahaha! :) heh, my brain seems to shut down just thinking about him XD but I'm working on that!

YAY! On both fronts. I hope you can do- and we'll be making sure you say hi to people this time :) fandom isn't nearly as scary as it seems to be!

:D you will do spectacularly! have faith, young wri-mo!


absinthefairy88 October 30 2009, 02:12:13 UTC
I highly doubt it. Other people are so much better than me.

Misha = broken brain. It's scientific fact.

I don't know what was up with me on Sunday - during the day I was fine. It was just as the night went on I started to feel quite down and isolated and I just didn't really want to inflict it on anyone.

I doubt that - I've not written anything in ages and I've never written anything that's more than barely passable ever.


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 14:34:20 UTC
Well we'll work on that :) nothing lifts your spirits quite like acting like a 10year old on the dancefloor :D

don't put yourself down so much, woman! practice makes perfect, so take November as a practice month if you must :)


halfapint October 29 2009, 22:10:53 UTC
Whee Hub 4! Thanks for this post. Just ordered my ticket (Silver, yay!). I WILL MAKE IT TO THIS ONE. RARGH. D<

Good luck dude. I'm sure they won't sell out THAT fast.


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 00:14:12 UTC
Welcome! XD ...how come you didn't go to this one? NEXT ONE WILL BE DOUBLY AWESOME FOR SURE!!!

fingers crossed anyway. I'd be gutted if that were the case, heh.


halfapint October 30 2009, 00:37:24 UTC
I was supposed to go, but my nan decided she wanted me home for her birthday for the ENTIRE weekend, and she found out I have Fridays off, and 'cause it was her 60th, I felt obligated to do as she asked. :/ So instead of missing one evening, the whole bloody weekend. Not funny. Never even got the ticket so I could sell it on ANYWAY. Grr. Oh well. YES IT WILL BE. <3

*crosses fingers and toes* Best of luck dude. <3


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 01:17:20 UTC
omg how devastating! :O doesn't she know a birthday only lasts for a day? :P heh.

Well, at least you'll have the next one to look forward to! Hopefully we'll have more of the awesome guests again next time to make up for your missing this one :)


galaxy_song October 29 2009, 22:49:43 UTC
I so wish I was going to London but so not happening even got tickets fr Rocky Horror so I wont be temptedXD

I really am thinking about just getting standard Hub ticket, it might suck a bit when comes to seats but I'm in no rush:)


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 00:15:52 UTC

I won't be making Rocky Horror, soz, I keep spending my money on everything else XD haha

I was thinking Standard but then was all like... I'd want to still be meeting the guests, so silver! ...and then Georgie was all, but if you go silver you may as well just go gold so... yeah, I'll be going gold again if I can go at all XD


indiefairy October 30 2009, 11:40:51 UTC
Hey don't blame the thought of a gold ticket on me :p


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 14:32:14 UTC
Hey, I'm pretty sure that's how the conversation went ;) and you know me and my willpower! haha


loki_dip October 30 2009, 11:52:47 UTC
CM:London - I'll be coming down after work on Friday, and staying until Sunday. Not sure where the crew hotel is yet, but I might be able to come say hi Friday night. *g* (Saturday night is normally the crew party, but I'm not sure yet.)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you at the Hub4. I'll definitely be there!!

For my sins, I'm going to take another crack at Nanowrimo this year. Hopefully I'll do better than last year. *fingers crossed*


cs_whitewolf October 30 2009, 14:31:33 UTC
It'll be good to see you again if you're free the Friday :) I'll be at La Cage on the Sat night but I know there's no plans for the Friday yet.

:O ARE YOU CRAZY?! you're killing me with your productive abilities here, woman. All that work you've already got and you want to throw a Nano on top of it? ::swoons:: XD super good luck! haha


loki_dip October 30 2009, 16:18:08 UTC
Fantastic. ;p I shall come find you all when I get in (I think most people will be around Friday night to get there early for Saturday!)

Ah, is that the last showing before Barrowman does CM on the Sunday then? I think I heard that right. But yes, it's normally harder to grab me at signing events like London because they're so big, but I try to say hi to everyone.

Umm... yes? Because I am a crazy person. I won't finish, I know that now, but I have a fic that need a 20 k is part to finish it off and I'm going to try and nano that.



cs_whitewolf November 4 2009, 19:24:33 UTC
I'm hoping so! I'd booked my La Cage ticked before JB was announces for CML thinking he'd be in it, so I really hope he still will be even with the event the next day XD

Do you want to swap numbers? We don't have to meet up, of course, but incase we're end up with some free time? :)

XD ...where you at now?


joulez217 October 31 2009, 20:44:51 UTC
Collecto-London, I can't tell you my plans until after the 19th November, cause that when i go bk to see consultant and i'll be either bk in hospital or back home! Although if i did come, i can't afford the theatre so would probably travel down maybe fri afternoon and travel back saturday!!

Hub 4, Hopefully your boss will give it you off! I'll keep everything crossed for you. If i go i'm only buying standard now! XD


cs_whitewolf November 4 2009, 19:26:37 UTC
Fingers crossed you'll be fit and healthy :) but don't strain yourself, I don't want to getting sick again, missy! ::waggles finger::

If you want any auto's just lemme know and I'll get them for you! (Speaking of which, you should be recieving your Hub3 ones in the post soon, I've finally organised myself enough to get them sent, haha :D)


joulez217 November 4 2009, 21:18:01 UTC
Fingers crossed, actually being back at work helps a lot! Oh god i couldn't strain myself if i pursopfully tried, i have everyone at home and work watching out for me, trying to fatten me up!!

I will do, actually i have no idea who is going so i must go take a look at that shortly! XD Oh babe your a star *hugs tightly* Thank you, thank you, thank you! XD


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