{ this used be a fun house! }

Jul 28, 2009 19:39

It's sort of just occurred to me that it's been almost two weeks since I last updated LJ. I'm sure I meant to do it way before now but it seems like something else always came up. There was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (in which the good parts were brilliant and the bad parts were terrible), then I got sick (I claim a cold, my workmates ( Read more... )

mood: ho-humm moment, fandom: torchwood, on writing, ramble(s), on writing: contemplations, § just to say, fandom: supernatural, fandom: doctor who, on writing: challenges

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Comments 34

daylyn July 28 2009, 18:48:27 UTC
OMG, Zombie!Ianto would be too cool in too many ways. Oh course he'd go off looking for brains....

Yeah, I think I need a nap. Mind's broken now.

I know what you mean about time passing, seeming to be busy, and yet nothing really to show for it. That kind of sucks, doesn't it? But I'm glad you're feeling better and survived your plague/swine flu cold. I've called in sick from work for the past two days, not because I'm really sick (although I'm claiming stomach flu), but because I'm just mentally fried. I'm starting to feel a little bit better, though. I think it's been a rough two weeks all around.

Well, I'm looking forward to your fics. I have faith in your writing.



cs_whitewolf July 28 2009, 22:03:05 UTC
::giggles:: zombie!Ianto could be fun... so long as he could be programmed to hold off on the brain munching long enough to be a team member again ;) tehehe

Yeah, that exactly! it's kind of been a "blink-and-miss-it" in regards to the last couple of weeks and I honestly cannot recall what I've been doing in that time :S ...oops? lol. Aww, poor baby! I hope you're feeling a bit better? It's good sometimes to just do that and get a few days to completely mind-melt before having to face the worl again ::snugs you:: fingers crossed you'll get an easier time of life soon, eh?

X) thanks! I just keep hearing myself saying how I'll write stuff and how determined I am to finish fics, but how I never actually do, or at least never get them to any kind of postable state. ...If you find my muse, you'll send him along, right? lol



daylyn July 29 2009, 04:20:42 UTC
Your muse must be hanging out with my muse and they've gone on a really exciting trip to someplace far-away and exotic. Rat bastards...

Well, I'm sure they'll come home some day.

*sighs wistfully*

*big, squishy hugs*


cs_whitewolf July 29 2009, 20:18:00 UTC
Damn the pair of them! ::waves fist::

heh. ...have you had a chance to appreciate the awesome that was Snape in the new HP movie, btw?


tiggerbrasilf July 28 2009, 18:48:32 UTC
*hugs* there are a lot of germs out there at the moment. My boss has been sneezing on me today and I'm wondering if she's given me a cold!

I don't think you really missed loads. TW fandom is still going OMG he's dead and America has had it now too.

I'm waiting for Matthew to shake off the piggyflu so I can see Harry Potter!


cs_whitewolf July 28 2009, 22:05:18 UTC
oh dear, hubby has swine flu? how are you doing? fingers crossed you won't catch anything serious between your man and your boss! heh.

TW fandom is doing my box in to be frank. It's not the fact that everyone's still all up in the air over it, it's more that they're almost all being so horrible about the whole thing but think they're justified in their immature reactions. UGH. I'm steering clear for a while, methinks!

You'll enjoy HP! I did, especially for the Snape parts ;) hehe


absinthefairy88 July 28 2009, 20:12:59 UTC
Potter = win

Torchwood - heard that too but I'm taking it with a handful of salt atm

Who looks AWESOME. Want. Like now. Barrowman/Tennant was epic squee and LOL. I've been trying to find a JB flail icon but can't :( Plenty of the kiss though :D

I was trying to stay spoiler free for SPN but then the power of Mister Master Misha meant I ended up watching the panel from SDCC and seeing the preview clip from 5x01 and hearing all the spoilers from there.

I will not laugh or point. I will cheer you on. If I can find some pom-poms that is ;D


cs_whitewolf July 28 2009, 22:10:48 UTC
Snape = <33

I'm more scratching my head wondering wtf they're going to do with it if I'm honest. haha. apparently there's talk of BBCAmerica taking it over? Who knows. The thought doesn't bother me nearly as much as it once would have. I think we've had "our" Torchwood (and frankly it'll never be the same without the team, all of them). So it might be nice to see a fresher version of the whole thing. ::shrugs:: who knows!

As for the JB/DT, you can find one of him doing his flaily/faint [ here ] if that's what you're looking for? It makes me grin every time I watch it, hehe.

Spoiler free?! YOU!? Whatever for! :P ...besides, who else am I meant to squee with when we start hearing things about Castiel and whorehouses?! ;) ...lemme know if you seriously don't want to be spoiled though and I'll keep mum!

Aww, thanks! My SPN fic is pretty much all planned out now thanks to your help so I just need a good run at writing it one night this week and I'll be sorted! ...maybe.


absinthefairy88 July 28 2009, 22:54:27 UTC
Snape + Draco = XD <3

An american one would be interesting to see but I don't know how a new Brit series could work. Unless they go backwards like Casualty or go to another Torchwood branch (if it's Scotland we have to be there) I just don't know.

I saw those in passing and forgot to find out who made them so yay you for finding them for me *hugs*

I know :P I tried and I failed. I am a spoilerwhore sometimes. Dean/Cas in a whorehouse! Why must we be made to wait for this?! No fair *pouts* I've given up being spoiler free - it's too hard.

I'm glad I was able to help. Hopefully it'll all fall into place for you and it'll work out fine :D


thisissirius July 28 2009, 20:56:15 UTC
A season four? I'm intrigued and also a little disappointed; I'm not sure where they're going to go with that.


cs_whitewolf July 28 2009, 22:13:36 UTC
Same here actually. I've had a comment saying that it's possible it'll be taken over by BBCAmerica and I'm thinking that maybe it'll be a good thing. I sort of don't want them to try anything else with "our" team (or rather what's left of them). And I think maybe the only way to continue would be to shift it's digs to another Torchwood (aka Torchwood America), what do you think?

Still. We'll see what the BBC say if they decide to confirm things I suppose.



joulez217 July 28 2009, 21:15:19 UTC
*hugs you very hard* I was just thinking I should email/text you if you were okay, you hadn't posted on anywhere since LFCC! I was worried! LOL!

Oh go you on the Fanfic front! I'll cheerlead you along! :)

I've not seen anything new regarding SPN (Spoilers! Am I not looking in the right place?!?) or the new DW!

The JB/DT kiss, yeah that just had me grinning all day! XD

Glad to see you have posted, I can stop worrying now! *hugs*


cs_whitewolf July 28 2009, 22:16:33 UTC
::clings tight:: Aww I'm sorry to have worried you! It certainly wasn't my intention at all :(( ...I just honestly don't know what I've been doing with myself instead of being on here with you guys. It's an unnerving feeling to be quite honest. But I'm back now so no need to fret :)

Fingers crossed I'll actually manage to churn out something decent. I'm so out of practice, omg!

...asdfghjk how can you not know any spoilers for SPN!? Woman! ...shall I link you up with all the ones I've currently found? :D

...ASDFGHJK how you've missed the new DW stuff is even more frightening! ...are you sure *you* haven't been away from LJ too long? :P hehehe That you know about the kiss sort of makes up for this infraction though ;)

::snugs some more::


joulez217 July 29 2009, 08:47:05 UTC
*clings tightly to you as well* That okay, I would have text you if I hadn't seen this post. :) I hate it when that happens at the time you always feel like you've been really busy but then you look back and go, well no actually I wasn't doing anything!!

You should be able to, your a damn good writer! XD

Erm...because I'm very obviously not on the same SPN LJ Comms as you!?! Plz, plz linkage plz! XD

Erm...I can blame the fact I didn't go on the computer yesterday due to writing fanfiction, but I'm off to look at new stuff right now (well once I've finished this of course) lol.



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