{ Asylum3 : The Anti-Squee Side of Things }

Jun 01, 2009 21:33

I needed to get all the “negative” stuff about the weekend over and done with first, because I didn’t want to be brooding over it all when I came to write about the “positive” things because I feel I’d probably have ended up overshadowing the good with the bad and no one wants that when I start on the “OMG MISHA COLLINS IS LOVE” parts, right? ;)

Okay, so... let the Asylum3 bitching commence... )

mood: anti-squee, event: asylum 3

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Comments 77

joulez217 June 1 2009, 20:59:56 UTC
That really sucks that all that happened, it sounds a bit like a Wolf Events I did (Stargate Atlantis con I did like three years ago) and they had all stuff happening at the same time and it was so disorganised it was just an awful weekend!

I say we petition Showmasters to do an SPN con, they know how to run a convention!

Again sorry to hear you had a shoddy time, with the few exceptions of course, *hugs* just sit back now, and look forward to either LFCC/Collecto Glasgow/Hub! At least they are ran properly.


cs_whitewolf June 1 2009, 21:09:18 UTC
Word on that. I would honestly rather fork out and do an American con than have to pay the amount of money I did for that convention. FAIL ROUGE EVENTS!

But yes, lets petition Showmasters! They are by far the best. And anyone who complains about them needs to be sent to the next RE one!

Fingers crossed I can attend LFCC! I'll find out soon enough as it's back to work tomorrow!

(btw, are you attending the con that's happening next weekend?)


joulez217 June 1 2009, 21:43:17 UTC
I just can't see how they let it get that bad, espeically as it's there 3rd one. I mean second Hub wasn't as bad as first one and first one was slightly disorganized! Silly RE events! *pokes them with sharp pointy objects*

I shall join you in the SPN Petition I shall, mainly cause I can afford there cons!

*crosses fingers for you* Well if I don't see you at LFCC I'm hoping to put Glasgow dates down and come up there for glasgow collecto! XD

Nope I'm not, I got pulled in to work as everyone else has that weekend off! I think it's Bexy, Kate, Jemz, and Denise going! XD


cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 18:24:02 UTC
Yeah, I'm just going to try and put it all behind me now. If I ever go to meet the boys again, I think I'd rather save up and do a US con.

Ooo yeah! Hopefully we'll get some exciting people to tempt you ;) heh.

Cool, I'm asking because I want to ask someone to get me "Spock's" autograph!


absinthefairy88 June 1 2009, 21:09:17 UTC
This seems to be a common thing in all the reports I've read - that they FAIL in an epic way when it comes to organising everything. Kinda sucks that their collective cockups put a damper on your weekend

Might I suggest that if Rogue Events don't get their collective arses into gear and actually organise a con the way it should be then we engage a hostile takeover of the lot of them :D


cs_whitewolf June 1 2009, 21:10:32 UTC
Maybe us fangirls should all just band together and run one ;) I'm sure we'd do a better job one way or another! haha.

But yeah, I don't know anyone who actually enjoyed the *whole* weekend. There was always something going on and it sucked!


absinthefairy88 June 1 2009, 21:17:11 UTC
I'm sure we could whip them into shape pretty quickly. An army of pissed off fangirls is not to be messed with.

Kinda sucks that it's gone this way. Stupid Rogue. I don't know if I would want to go to the next one - even if Misha's there.


cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 18:25:08 UTC
That last bit about Misha I added in at the end because I'd just finished writing my Misha post of squee :) ...I probably wouldn't go anyway just to make a point.


iceandlime June 1 2009, 21:25:53 UTC
See I worried it would be like this, hence not buying a ticket. I just feel bad for everyone who spent all their money to have such a frustrating three days being treated like cattle.

Rogue events couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. It really goes to show just how good the Showmasters guys are at what they do.


cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 17:40:39 UTC
I had no idea it was going to be like that. And finding out the last two were just as disorganised completely shocked me. How on earth can they bring themselves to do another one when they seem incapable of doing it properly? I worry about this "Asylum Europe" one they're planning, with the language barrier that's all they need on top of everything else!

I never have, but after attending the RE con, I will probably never ever complain about a SM run con.


iceandlime June 2 2009, 19:13:36 UTC
I remember last years being less than pleasant (I only stayed one day) but I was sort of fearing for everyone how this one might turn out. Hearing the stories really doesn't surprise me. I'm very very glad I didn't go!

Sorry it wasn't as fun as you might have liked it to have been :(


cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 22:44:39 UTC
They've put up a post now basically saying they know they've cocked up and promise to keep numbers down for future cons. I don't know whether to believe them or not!

yeah. I was so psyched for my first Supernatural con as well :((


zeitheist June 1 2009, 21:34:43 UTC
It's like I kept telling people: I could handle the fact that there were a few cock-ups with the convention packages (I didn't get any of my pre-booked photos, even the ones I ordered before the Paypal debacle). I could even handle stuff starting late. Shit happens, and that's fine. I don't think I've ever been to a con where everything runs smoothly. But it just turned into such a giant clusterfuck because they just didn't know how to deal with it. I still don't know why the staff didn't have walkie-talkies. (Bless the staff, dude. I have only the utmost respect for most of them, especially the ones who were running on three or four hours of sleep because they'd been up late sorting shit out and up early supervising the queues).

I'm not going to another Rogue Events convention. I decided this on Saturday morning, when I went in to collect my "free 8x10 prints of each guest" and was told that I would have to pay £10 to get prints of Jensen and Jared. I can understand Jared: because, fair play, he was a bonus guest. But Jensen was a ( ... )


zeitheist June 1 2009, 21:37:08 UTC
I forgot to add: you know what really pissed me off beyond belief? I was inside the room for the Jared photoshoot, and security told me to move around a little bit, decided I wasn't shuffling fast enough, and decided to put his hand on the small of my back to move me.

Now, to be fair, he couldn't have known that I have issues being touched by strange people. He didn't know that it gets worse with my back, because I can't see them. He especially didn't know that such things remind me unpleasantly of being sexually assaulted when I was younger. Which is why he shouldn't have fucking touched me.



cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 17:46:45 UTC

Whether or not they are aware of anyone having issues about being touched, he still shouldn't have done it. Unless you pose an obvious risk there is no way anyone has the right to touch you to move you along. Not only that but since when is it security's job to make sure you're moving fast enough in a photoshoot? Surely he should be paying more attention to the fangirls who look like they're about to fly for the guests. FAIL!

I'm sorry that it creeped you out too. It's like another dark mark to an already dampened weekend.

::more snugs::


zeitheist June 2 2009, 18:39:56 UTC
Exactly. My dad worked as security for many years, and one of his biggest problems was that he had to be careful who he touched. I did hear a rumour that the security at the event were actually bouncers (as in nightclub bouncers), which might be why they thought it was acceptable to touch - from what I can tell, the rules are different for them. Regular event security I'm fairly sure aren't allowed to touch. It wasn't even that he did that, it was more... how he did it. I'd have been fine if he'd guided me with a hand on the back of my shoulder - probably still miffed, but fine - but people touching me on the small of my back (even if I know them) creeps me out.

Sigh. It's frustrating, because I would like to go back. I like this show, I like the actors, and if they're serious about not inviting as many people next year, then I'd consider going again. But I'm wary of forking out that much money for a repeat of this year. (I estimate I spent nearly £300 on this convention, all told. Not including accommodation).



ditchwaterrosie June 1 2009, 21:39:54 UTC
Note to self...Rogue events = epic bad times :( *hugs*


cs_whitewolf June 2 2009, 17:48:12 UTC
WORD. Don't go with them. Not even if they promise you shiny things like Winchester Squeezes BECAUSE THEY LIE!


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