{ to be like they are }

May 06, 2009 19:05

§ Dreamwidth: I has one, add me? I wasn't going to jump on the bandwagon, but the newsletters I'm with are thinking about mirroring their content on D/W in the near future and so I got the option of getting an account there for when this happens. So, I have one now. I also have two invite codes, and could probably get more if I asked nicely, so if ( Read more... )

[♥] flist love, event: london film&comic con '09, event: asylum 3, event: john barrowman concert, § dreamwidth

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Comments 52

crayon_harkness May 6 2009, 18:23:55 UTC
I'm seeing John on the 31st May and can't wait! Do you also know if there will be any merchandise or anything like that to buy? Does he also go to the stage door at the end?
Went to Cardiff recently as well and realised how much I love it there .... if I don't get into University there I'm deff moving there when I'm older!


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 18:46:46 UTC
Heh, I cannot wait either! He was awesome last year so am very much looking forward to this years :D ...there will def be merchandise to buy! Usually t-shirts, programmes and mugs, stuff like that!

Cardiff is love! I'm hoping to move down this year but I keep spending my money on fannish things ;) hehe. It's got such an awesome vibe though, I cannot wait to be living there myself!


crayon_harkness May 6 2009, 21:52:37 UTC
Looking around the city and the university I just fell in love with the place! Deff given me something to aim for and work for with my A levels really!

It's my birthday in a few days so money from that is going to be saved up to buy lots of very nice John Barrowman things!

I wake randomly some nights then can't get back to sleep because I go into *squee* mode and just end up flapping around my room not knowing what to do with myself haha XD


cs_whitewolf May 7 2009, 18:00:10 UTC
Yeah, it totally just has the kind of vibe that draws you in and makes you want to stay there forever and ever :D

Hope you have a good bday :) and manage to get lots of awesome things at the concert. I'm def getting a program and t-shirt myself, heh.

omg I get that too! XD I have so much throuble getting to sleep after getting all squeed up, haha. But it is awesome!


_stolendreams_ May 6 2009, 18:43:28 UTC
heh I got the Barrowman's album for Christmas, hence saving the need to pay for it myself ;) I think I should be able to help you out - is this locked? I don't want to be eaten by the scary fans for it...

No idea what times I'm getting to Cardiff or leaving it. Need to wait and see what happens with family before I can book it. Most likely mid afternoon on Friday and then late morning on Monday but... who knows.

Not made definite plans to be at LFCC but if you're all going I'm sure I will drag myself in! I have been thinking about going but with it only being London I rarely get round to making decisions until the last minute.


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 18:49:57 UTC
Awesome! It's not locked, but I'm on msn? Or I can screen asap you post as I'm def online tonight :) thankyou!

Fair enough! Looking at the only available flights down I think Stacey and me'll be there at the crack of dawn Friday and leaving late evening Monday. UGH. Stoopid airlines!

Heh, I think that means you'll be there! :P Hopefully most of us will turn up so we can have a wee mini-meet thing going on for it. I've never been to LFCC before... is it just like the Collectormania's do you know?


_stolendreams_ May 6 2009, 19:07:34 UTC
No worries, it's uploading now. I shall jump on msn and give you a link once it's done.

Ugh, Stacey said you guys were having trouble because of bank holiday weekend. Insane flights!

LOL yes I'll almost definitely be there :P
Yeah LFCC is very similar to Collectormania, same basic set up and everything. Only it's usually bigger than most of the CMs. Particularly if they have a really big guest on one day, then it can go completely insane. Always good fun though


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 19:15:23 UTC

It's been a bit of a nightmare, the usual people we fly to Cardiff with have no flights at all and the ones we're going to go with are charging an arm and a leg. Buses are too expensive/take way too long, and the train would cost way too much too. FAIL. lol. But we'll get there!

Ah, that's good to know- I'll roughtly know what's going on then XD heh. I hope they'll maybe get some Merlin peeps too, I'm dying to meet those boys ;)


zeitheist May 6 2009, 18:59:04 UTC
Re: large screencaps of those characters, have you tried bunny_icons? Her screencaps are fairly high-res, (and organized into a gallery rather than lumped into one enormous file) and I'm planning to see if I can print some out or something.

I am SO EXCITED about Asylum. I have no idea what I'm going to wear, though. I'm trying to find a dress for the Saturday night party (since I'll either be in the wine reception on Friday night or in those clothes), and it's proving so difficult. What will you be wearing? We have to meet up during the weekend, so I can be all DSJHFKJHGJKFHGJKF.

Also: I think I'm going to the London Film and Comic Con! I was going to offer to crew one day, and take my brother for the other. I really want to meet Vic Mignogna, because I am a huuuuge Fullmetal Alchemist fan, but I think I'd also like to get pictures with Jewel Staite and Eve Myles (since I don't like the one I got with her at The Hub).


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 19:24:00 UTC
Thanks for the linkage, I def havn't come across her journal before so I'll have a wee dig around and hopefully come up with pics to use :D

What are you getting the boys to sign? I'm still debating seperate pics for the J2 boys!

EXCITED IS LIKE AN UNDERSTATEMENT RIGHT NOW OMG! XD heh. Very jealous you'll be at the wine reception! What's your dress like? ...my dress for the Saturday night is [ this one here ] just ignore the price! I got mine off ebay for half that, haha. I want to get black wings to go with it, but dunno yet XD

We are definitely meeting! :D WE'RE GOING TO HAVE EPIC SQUEE!!!

heh, awesome! I have no idea what Fullmetal Alchemist is :S but I'll take your word that it is good, hehe. Are you still gonna offer to crew? Imagine you got sat next to them :P


zeitheist May 6 2009, 20:20:00 UTC
You're welcome! I hope you find something usable. I totally forgot I meant to get a bunch of prints done, so thanks for reminding me ( ... )


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 21:59:56 UTC
haha, glad to be of service! XD ( ... )


ditchwaterrosie May 6 2009, 19:00:16 UTC
I'm so at Film and Comic Con now D:
I was debating going...but now you have sold it.



cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 19:24:54 UTC
YES YOU ARE! XD ...I'm very good at selling myself these things.

Plus, EIGHT!!!! OMG <33



absinthefairy88 May 6 2009, 19:14:57 UTC
No John for me. Lack of funds and now job (yes I has small job XD) have got in the way. Maybe next time :D

I like the Misha one so I'm happy for you to use that. As for J2, I found this pretty shot of both of them sitting on the hood of the Impala that I really like. But I'm like you - I can't decide if I want individual or not.


cs_whitewolf May 6 2009, 19:28:14 UTC
...I shall try to be sneaky and record some for you, ys? ;)

Awesome. Got a pic of that J2 one? If I find any good singles I'll let you know, and if you find any just link me :) the more choices the merrier!

I also have... [ this Castiel one ] if you'd prefer?


absinthefairy88 May 6 2009, 19:52:56 UTC
*nods discreetly* That would be fabulous :D

Yep - I've got the J2 one and a couple of good single ones. It's such a hardship looking through pages of pictures trying to find one NOT. Let me upload them to Photobucket so you can have a look.

Ooh - that's pretty :D. That one please bb ;D


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