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Comments 22

talcat November 10 2008, 23:32:44 UTC
There will be more right? *Is hopful*
Becuse I love ianto and eight fic so very much.
had big ears, short black hair, wore a leather jacket… ring any bells?”

Psss wroung Doctor! It's ten that get TW set up not 9.


cs_whitewolf November 10 2008, 23:49:46 UTC
::headdesk:: That's what I get for crushing on Nine more than Ten XD

And yeah, there'll probably be more, though when I cannot say! :)

Glad you're enjoying enough to want more!


talcat November 10 2008, 23:54:13 UTC
I'm glad you think there will be more!

And as for nine? He'd never of been so stupid as to get TW set up!


cs_whitewolf November 12 2008, 00:10:31 UTC
Most assuredly! He's too much fun not to play with ;)

Oh my! That made me giggle. You're so right though XD ::snuggles Nine::


indiefairy November 10 2008, 23:52:58 UTC
::happy sigh:: I love Eight/Ianto so and shall write no more because you do it so much better than me :p

Loves this, loves the pairing. wants more XD


cs_whitewolf November 13 2008, 21:10:41 UTC
don't you dare, woman! or I shall cry and never write another thing ever again. for srs.

<33 They are just so adorable together, and should be written way-way more! ::hint::

Thank you, babi! I'm not sure where this is going exactly, but it'll be fun to find out ;)


ditchwaterrosie November 11 2008, 02:23:49 UTC
I actually love you.

I have been hit by a tidal wave of Eight love and now don't think I shall EVER turn back.

You characterise both of them well...

More please???

Harumph Eight is so underrated...*grumbles*


cs_whitewolf November 13 2008, 21:14:39 UTC

Thank you! It's the first time I've tried to write Eigth, so am very pleased he's working for you X)

You must NEVER turn away from the Eight love. He is too precious to neglect like that and needs all the love he can get. heh.

More, yes! Just not sure when!
CS WhiteWolf


ditchwaterrosie November 13 2008, 23:29:12 UTC
Never ever ever ever :D Oh Eight *le sigh*

And hell is he working for me.


I keep coming back to reread them *is embarrassed*


cs_whitewolf November 14 2008, 18:35:23 UTC
::smiley face::

Well that makes me very happy! X) heh.

I'm hoping to get another fic for Eight/Ianto posted this evening, so keep your fingers crossed for that :)


hab318princess November 11 2008, 07:06:04 UTC
Loved that very much, Eight was my introduction to Doctor Who - we'd just got a telly when it came out I think - even though shippyness only started with Nine and Jack...


cs_whitewolf November 13 2008, 21:18:35 UTC
Thank you X) Nine was my first Doctor (and also the starter of shippyness! heh) but Eight shot swifty to the "ultimate fav" position after I saw the movie. He's just too awesome not to love.

Glad you liked this part :)
CS WhiteWolf


vipersweb November 12 2008, 21:32:18 UTC
Lovely. I like seeing how Eight and Ianto met. I also like Ianto's dislike to dressing for Halloween - it seems very in line with his personality. I like Eight's abstract manner, and friendliness.


cs_whitewolf November 13 2008, 21:20:56 UTC
I felt it was rather fitting for Ianto not to like Halloween. He just seems the type of bloke, you know? I'm glad you like this story, and how I've portrayed Eight- I've enjoyed writing him a whole lot and hope to play with him more.

Thank you for reading!
CS WhiteWolf


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