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Comments 45

absinthefairy88 October 27 2008, 21:31:16 UTC
You want pale? Try looking at my picture with John. (The glimpse I got of it - I have a thing about not looking at pictures of me)

My pale skin and bright red hair next to John - that's pale.


cs_whitewolf October 27 2008, 22:04:01 UTC
omg you made it there?! Why didn't you say you'd managed to go, woman! We could totally have met up X) are you going to the next one??

And I'm sure you look lush! I personally think pasty+red hair is a very lovely look :D ...I think you should post up your picture just to prove you're paler ;)


absinthefairy88 October 27 2008, 22:10:48 UTC
Yep. Friday morning made the decision to go. Pretty last minute but sooooooo worth all the rushing about.

I am going to the next one - just need to decide which ticket I want (it's going to be my 21st birthday present to myself :D)

I'm sure I don't! I <3 having red hair but I just hate looking at myself.

Also you're not the first to try and persuade me to post my pro shots


cs_whitewolf October 27 2008, 22:37:39 UTC
can I be the first to succeed? XD

Well rock on you and the last minute decisions! I'm glad you went, you really sounded like you needed it :)

I forked out for gold this time round X) but the only extra thing you get is the goody bag and the drinks reception- so if you want that, go for gold. if you can do without, go for silver!


indiefairy October 27 2008, 21:49:15 UTC
I still maintain that Lachlan and I look the better couple with the contrast between the dark hair and the blonde hair :p which totally reminds me I still have to finish and Post my report

Twas an awesome weekend and I canni wait for the next one ::smishes:: SQUEEEE!!!!!!!


cs_whitewolf October 27 2008, 22:05:58 UTC
that's because you're delusional.

XD jk! hehe. but well, Gareth or Lachlan? I figure we'll have no problem sharing them boys between us since I don't think I have the ability to choose! bwahaha.

It was the best ever! And we're going to make #2 even better ;D ::glomps tight::

yes, hurry up and get your post done! did you get any good pics?


indiefairy October 27 2008, 22:12:12 UTC
pfft you just wait until I post the evidence :p

Despite my comments of 'Gareth who?' after getting my hug from Lachlan, I'm going to have to say Gareth. I like my men filthy, but I would totally be up for sharing both of them with you ;)lmao!!

The Hub 2 shall be made the most awesome of awesome! ::glomps::

I'm working on it, I'm working on it. I got some okay pics, but I have come to the conclusion that despite our front row seats next year, I am in desperate need of the best damn camera I can get my hands on


cs_whitewolf October 28 2008, 18:19:19 UTC
am still waiting :P

Heh. I cannot choose. honestly. that smish has completely got me hooked on Lachlan! though you know, Gareth is still and probably always will be #1! but yeah. Still no choosing XD

And hey, I'm sure with more time spent in TW, Lachlan will be getting his own type of dirty on ;D

::flails and twirls you:: It's going to be the most awesome ever. Especially since we'll have money again by then XD omg.

eeeee front row seats!!!


erin_giles October 27 2008, 21:54:40 UTC
I want a minxy smile in my Gareth photo!! *pouts*

I finally got around to doing my washing the other day - one shoulder of my rugby shirt smelt like Kai and the other like Gareth... I almost didn't wash it... :S

Also I'd forgotten that Lachlan said but didn't say he would be in season 3! ZOMG is it 2009 yet?!


cs_whitewolf October 27 2008, 22:08:00 UTC
::pets her minky smile Gareth::

Hush you! You got to smish with him, you soooo cannot demand minxy smiles too! :P

Ha! I... haven't even touched my suitcase yet. I don't think I can bring myself to do it if I'm honest- that's like defo saying it's over :( that and I probably don't want to wash anything that's been in contact with my boys XD

Heh yeah! LACHLAN IN S3 WHOOP!! X) it makes Caspe very happy. and she will totally be pwning him in fic soon X)


erin_giles October 27 2008, 23:36:03 UTC
Why not?! I want a minxy smile and a smish! I don't get to go to the Hub 2! I demand both! XP

Yeah it took me ages to unpack... and then I spent the best part of five minutes in the laundry room sniffing both shoulders of my rugby shirt - one side smelt of aftershave and smoke and the other smelt of, I dunno how to describe it, it was just a nice comforting smell - until some girl came in and gave me a weird look - I mean honestly! *rolls eyes*

Wooo!! Go Lachlan - he gives good hugs that man! And zomg the smile... *melts all over again*


cs_whitewolf October 28 2008, 18:21:35 UTC
Oh well, when you put it like that! XD ::snuggles::

I'm so with you though. refuses to wash t-shirts that got her smishes with the cast. stomps foot for effect.

Mmmm Lachlan. Canni wait to see him in S3! He'll be amazing and make all us fangirlies wibble and flail for the pretty ...if he looks pretty. because, lets face it, he really didn't in S2!


galaxy_song October 27 2008, 22:14:07 UTC
The Hub was a dream come true with all the slashy goodness and Im super excited about The Hub 2 it's already made me skintXD

Tome Price Squeee

oh hope you get your phone fixed I hate admit I don't know how I would survive with out mine.


cs_whitewolf October 28 2008, 18:22:53 UTC
and Matt Rippy! XD ...all the more reason for them to get JB back too, I feel! hehe.

It was more than we expected and everything we wanted. We couldn't have asked for a better convention if we'd tried XD

Ugh. phone fails. Been sick this weekend so wasn't able to take it down to get fixed, hence another week without it. alas.


dancy_dreamer October 27 2008, 22:19:10 UTC
Ian Hilditch was dressed as Henry VIII.
It wasn't him, I talked to that guy a few more times over the weekend and I saw him at Ian's signing table.

Oh and Sara played Carys not Cerys. I will stop with the welsh-picking now.

Paul... oh Paul, marry me?
Did I mention I was a little in love with Paul by the end of the weekend?

Lachlan... isn't he perdy. His hugs were brilliant, and Becky started them, we should honour and love her for this ... and THAT photo.

I so get what you mean about John, I managed to talk to all the other guests reasonably well but with John I just turn into a wibbly mess. I manage to stutter 'thank you so much' and thats about it. It may have something to do with my inner-self going 'OMG HE SAID MY NAME RIGHT!' ... which isn't as shallow as it sounds but after sooooo many years of no one ever saying my name right I get excited when people do. What I love about John is how you can tell how much he loves what he's doing and it really comes across when you meet him.

That and the filth.Why did him and Lachlan have ( ... )


cs_whitewolf October 28 2008, 18:29:46 UTC
Cheers for that, edited that part a bit XD was I just too drunk or did he actually resemble Ian a bit ( ... )


dancy_dreamer October 28 2008, 18:39:22 UTC
Lachlan told me to tell you he misses you dearly, he's quite comfy at the moment but may be tempted to come visit you soon.

JB needs to go because OMG Jack/Ianto/Rhys/PC Andy/Real!Jack = BEST ORGY EVAH.

*Totally isnt iconning as we speak*


cs_whitewolf October 28 2008, 19:48:29 UTC
::happy face:: oh well, if he's saying that I'm sure I can wait a little while longer ;)

omg yesh!! And I can has my reinactment of Jack/Jack too! omg!!! WANTS MARCH NOW!

::totally isn't looking forward to your icons either::


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