TW/DW/RPFanFic: Happy Birthday, Gem! [Multiple Pairings]

Jan 24, 2007 20:24

Four ways Jack Harkness said Happy Birthday
One way John Barrowman said it.

- - -

Rating(s): From G - PG-13.
Pairing(s): Jack(/Rose, /Doctor, /Gwen, /Ianto) John/Gemstar69.
Warning(s): Contains Het, Slash and RPF [Real Person Fiction].
A/N: Unbetad. Please feel free to point out anything glaring!

Dedication: For
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[&]: [m/f]: jack harkness/gwen cooper, [&]: [m/f]: jack harkness/rose tyler, on writing: giftfic, fic: wordcount: 1000-5000, [&]: [m/m]: jack harkness/ianto jones, [&]: [m/m]: jack harkness/the doctor, fic: rating: pg/13, fanfic: torchwood, fanfic: doctor who

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Comments 46

gemstar69 January 24 2007, 21:43:09 UTC
*has so much love for you*

You wrote me bloody het. 3 TIMES. That means you are my otp, caspe. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love you and just... goddamit, you're so great. The rpf made me go all incoherent and I adore all of them. Thankyou so much XD

how do you want to get your icons?


cs_whitewolf January 25 2007, 08:16:35 UTC
::squishes tight:: I think it was that bloody het that made me take so long, lol, don't know why but I really do have a hard time with it! But I know how much you love certain pairings so I thought I'd try my hand at them at least- soso glad you think it's all paid off :D

Much love, babes!

((oooh! um... will you be online tonight?? or are they email-able?? or something! ::bounces:: i'd almost forgotten about them- eeee!))


gemstar69 January 25 2007, 21:49:18 UTC
Haha, I love that het is leik, against your nature XP Thanks again, sweetie, I absolutly adore all of it especially the last one

((er, i can go online now if you're around? actually, i can email you with them. i didn't sleep last night at all so i came home and went to have a 'nap' at about 2pm and i've only just woken up lol))


cs_whitewolf January 25 2007, 21:52:03 UTC
Will appear online the now if you like? Whichever you prefer :)

I don't know why I find het so distasteful to write... I mean... it's only girly bits right? ((ewww!!)

We're you just up all night or could you actually not sleep? ::pets either way::


coffeegirl18 January 25 2007, 10:54:49 UTC
*bounces* I love this. You MUST write me ficage for my b-day...It's in Feb. I loved the Gwen one and Gemma is going to have a naughty time....geez.



cs_whitewolf January 25 2007, 18:11:13 UTC
I'm so pleased you like this :) thanks for reading!

Ohh, when in Febuary is it? I'll totally get something sorted for you! What preferences do you have pairing/etc wise?


coffeegirl18 January 25 2007, 19:48:43 UTC
Feb 24. Ianto/Jack is lovely...if you can include the stopwatch that would be great.


cs_whitewolf January 25 2007, 21:08:38 UTC
Consider it done ;)


harem_ent January 25 2007, 19:43:44 UTC
Oh. on my birthday, I want this! You have made me squee my self senseless.


cs_whitewolf January 25 2007, 21:11:37 UTC
::grins:: Thanks, Els! squeeing is definitely a great reaction to have recieved ('specially for the het! hehe). And I'm sure I could come up with something exqually as exciting for your bday (which is when btw?)


harem_ent January 25 2007, 22:14:38 UTC
See, your het was JUST THAT good. Worry not, my B'day is not until May (the 19) so you have a long time to think of some finger-linkin' porn. huh huh huh...


magickaldreamer January 26 2007, 21:18:52 UTC
gemstar69 is one lucky girl.

And you actually made me, for however many words it was, believe Jack/Gwen. You get so many points for that.


cs_whitewolf January 26 2007, 22:58:55 UTC
Now that is a compliment! Especially since I detest Jack/Gwen so very much. Still, the things one must do ;)

Thanks very much for reading, darling!
CS WhiteWolf


truthvdreams January 26 2007, 22:47:58 UTC
Thats one hell of a birthday gift! You do realise that everyone is going to be hoping for such a gift on their birthdays now don't you? I know I would be over the moon for an Owen fic - But who writes you fic for your birthday? Hope you got something this good too. The writing was brilliant as always, I even enjoyed Gwen/Jack and i normally have a hard time with that pairing. *hugs*
Tru xx


cs_whitewolf January 26 2007, 23:10:20 UTC
Yes, I've clearly not thought this through XD

Seriously though, if you're on my flist (and I'm reminded!) you'll get b-day ficcage if you want one. Whatever you'd like as well, I'm that nice ;)

Still... the Jack/Gwen? I *always* have a hard time with that one! :S
Thanks for reading, darling, and liking!
CS WhiteWolf


truthvdreams January 26 2007, 23:29:29 UTC
You are that nice!! Don't know if i am on your flist or not but my birthday is in april and i will remind you and keep my fingers crossed. Owen being heroic and NOT bragging about it that would make me smile, the what and how and style I would leave in your wonderful creative hands.
Looking forward to your next posting, you always keep us guesing as to what it could be because you manage to write in so many different styles with such flair - how do you do that?! The more you write the more I'll read!
Tru xx


cs_whitewolf January 26 2007, 23:40:38 UTC
What date in April and I'll take a note? ;) ...and that's certainly an interesting prompt ::ponders it::

I think my writing changes depending on my mood for the most part, so if I'm feeling good you get all the light/porny stuff. If I'm angsty or something, I tend to enjoy torturing my characters to make me feel better (lol) and so on and so forth. But I'm very glad you're liking all my 'styles', it's great to know they're appreciated!


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