Argh. I'm hoping they caught this cancer early? I've heard good things about recovery when they catch it early. Too bad they can't cryogenically freeze off a cancerous ex-husband, eh? Boo. :-T
Wow, he actually cares what somebody besides HIM wants?! 8-0 Shock! Alert the media. (I hope he actually listens, too; about damn time.)
Hey, you'd never get over me! Oh, wait... you'd be taking me with you in your email box wherever you go... okay, I'll forgive you for that... as long as I get to visit. ;-) Take care, hon. :: hugs ::
A house two doors down from us just went on the market ...
As for the docs, yeah, you'd think that as long as they were going to be futzing around in the general vicinity they could take care of a couple of things at once. But that'd be too efficient or easy on the patient or something.
Comments 18
@_@ :(
Sincerely, Allaine
It's supposed to be for a new satellite/cable channel called VOOM HD. It will be playing ALL MONTH LONG on said channel during commercial breaks ;)!
Sniffle ;_;, cancer? My paper just had an article about treatments for it. I don't know if it's the same thing you have though.
Wow, he actually cares what somebody besides HIM wants?! 8-0 Shock! Alert the media. (I hope he actually listens, too; about damn time.)
Hey, you'd never get over me! Oh, wait... you'd be taking me with you in your email box wherever you go... okay, I'll forgive you for that... as long as I get to visit. ;-) Take care, hon. :: hugs ::
I just had my pre-cancerous cervix looked at, too, and am waiting for results. Yay! We're twins! Good luck.
As for the docs, yeah, you'd think that as long as they were going to be futzing around in the general vicinity they could take care of a couple of things at once. But that'd be too efficient or easy on the patient or something.
-- C.
The problem is, that the tubal is covered by my state coverage. The Cryo and such all comes out of my own pocket... so they won't do them together.
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