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Comments 25

hearditbothways July 21 2008, 03:12:19 UTC
Aloha, ich surfte grade mal durch das supernaturalfanforum und entschied, dass ich dich adden könnte. Was ich hiermit tue und ich würde mich freuen, wenn du mich zurück addest =)

(majawinchester ist dort drüben mein Name)


crystalchain July 21 2008, 03:15:10 UTC
Aloha, klaro ich add dich gleich mal zurück. Neue Freunde sind hier immer willkommen :D


force_oblique August 1 2008, 23:54:56 UTC
Hi there I am Kelly!
You seem like a fun,loving person and we have interests and friends in common...
Friends too?


kitsu84 October 10 2008, 21:57:13 UTC
Well hello thar, Crystal. The name's Ashley, and I was wondering if you would be interested in being friends?


crystalchain October 10 2008, 22:17:14 UTC
Well from what I can see - we listen to the same music, you seem to be a cool person and you're kinda obsessed with Misha Collins and Dastiel so HELL YES I'M INTERESTED :DD

Adding you while we speak :)


wickedgrdn January 13 2009, 11:29:21 UTC
You've been nominated at besticonmaker for best supernatural iconmaker. :)


crystalchain January 13 2009, 11:59:25 UTC
Wow, seriously? OMG that's awesome! ♥


egotists March 31 2009, 16:55:00 UTC
Eep. Uhm, any dance you'd want a fellow wincester/j2er who sees you around a lot as a friend? Haha. I just figure I see you around enough and you always seem nice so :) And if not that's okay too<3


crystalchain March 31 2009, 16:58:37 UTC
OF COURSE. J2er and Wincester are always welcome :D added you ♥


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