i really think this site makes a fantastic point, and i can say most of my beliefs have evolved to their way of thinking. Isnt it time WE started taking some responsibility? ... Coz if there is a god..he sure as hell isnt...
Comments 2
Re; the humanism thing, I've always liked what they say. I've had so many arguments with religious people, me saying you don't have to be religious to be a nice person, to lead a good life. But why do we need to create Humanism, and join it? As far as I can see, so many organised religions, no matter how noble or sensical their outlook, have mostly brought with them a whole hunk of crap. I know maybe I'm being a bit obtuse, that humans love to belong to something. But I question the fact that they're saying "Look, we need to lead our lives for ourselves, take responsibility, because look what happens when you follow something", when Humanism is another thing to follow.
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