And now for the happier stuff!

Oct 06, 2011 07:46

I've realized recently that I have like NO VIDEOS of Dahlia. I have a few but none of her doing agility stuff and none of her doing any of her tricks. I don't like to video tape myself but I've realized someday it won't matter what I look like on camera. I WILL want videos of my girl and I will cherish them even if I feel like I looked fat ( Read more... )

dahlia-agility, dahlia, videos

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Comments 15

harnessphoto October 6 2011, 12:18:43 UTC
She's so smart and talented :)


crysania4 October 6 2011, 14:13:02 UTC
She is! She's doing great, especially considering the completely inept handling she's getting from me. LOL


tarsa October 9 2011, 01:38:32 UTC
What kind of treats are you giving her? Both Abby & Roscoe are seriously food~motivated.


anobjectinspace October 6 2011, 12:23:34 UTC
These videos absolutely made my day :-D She's as gorgeous on film as she is in photos and SUCH a poser still. Please give her a huge hug for me.

And demand a big hug from her that's my hug to you.


crysania4 October 6 2011, 14:14:21 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed them! I want to video tape her doing some more things at some point!


nutmeg3 October 6 2011, 12:56:53 UTC
Those are wonderful! I especially loved that serpentine thing - very impressive. This really brought home to me how much harder I should be working with Kaiya, with tricks and agility both.

Big, big ::hugs:: to both of you.


crysania4 October 6 2011, 14:19:07 UTC
She had SO much trouble with the serpentine thing but then one day she just totally got it. I was surprised that I took her out there and she did it immediately the first time.

We aren't working too hard with her, but she's smart and loves doing it.


stubberella October 6 2011, 14:34:19 UTC
Awesome videos! Thanks so much for sharing. I know you've been working on agility for a while now, but both of you make it look so easy! :)


crysania4 October 6 2011, 14:38:55 UTC
I wish we made it look easy! THESE people make it look easy!


stubberella October 6 2011, 15:18:50 UTC
Well, keep things in perspective. Of course these are amazing. I love the dog who jumped into his arms at the end, that was awesome. And the one that grabs the leash, LOL.

National Agility Championships aside, you've done a really great job!


crysania4 October 6 2011, 15:20:21 UTC
At the trial I went to in August one of the dogs got so excited at the end of his run, he ran and grabbed one of the bars off a jump and ran around with it. HILARIOUS. Dogs love this and get so excited!

I hope Dahlia never wants to jump into my arms. LOL

And thanks. I think we're doing really well for the level we're both at.


greenbloodbitch October 6 2011, 19:29:48 UTC
Dahlia is all the proof I need that when Chaz & I get our first canine furbaby, I WILL be bombing your inbox with any and all questions about training him/her XD


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