Agility class #4

Jun 03, 2009 08:19

I can't believe this was already our 4th class! Wow. Time flies. I think there are just two more and then "graduation" (whatever that is exactly ( Read more... )

agility, dahlia-agility, dahlia-training, blueprints dog studio, dahlia

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Comments 11

dogologist June 3 2009, 13:04:29 UTC
I would love to see a pit bull doing agility!!


crysania4 June 3 2009, 15:07:52 UTC
Here's a video I found on youtube:

And you want to see something hilarious? Watch the bulldog on this page (Day 1, video 3). It's great!


dogologist June 3 2009, 20:01:51 UTC
Thanks for those! I love the bulldog one - bless him! The pitbull is loving it as well, isn't he? It's so nice to see something other than a border collie on an agility course.


crysania4 June 3 2009, 20:03:28 UTC
I much as I love my Border collies (and want one one day!), they (and Aussies too I think) dominate agility. It's fun seeing something else, especially a bulldog! doing it.


angely78 June 3 2009, 13:19:20 UTC
yay Dahlia!
I was talking to a lady at the store who had Border Collie stickers all over her car (according to the stickers, they play flyball with their dogs...have you heard of that?) about agility classes, and she was laughing over her dog who always had this "what's the point??" opinion when it came to agility. She'd do it, sure, but always looked at her mom like she was nuts afterwards! LOL!


crysania4 June 3 2009, 13:26:17 UTC
I've seen flyball. Dahlia's reaction to that would be "WTF who cares." LOL In flyball a dog leaps over a series of low jumps, pushes something to get a ball, grabs it in their mouth and comes back over the jumps. Then the next dog goes -- it's a relay race basically and they are FAST FAST FAST. Holy crap I've never seen dogs move so fast!

Check this shit out:

Dahlia could never move that fast in a MILLION YEARS.


angely78 June 3 2009, 13:34:37 UTC
hahaha, Kaitlyn watched that with me and clapped at the end. She wants me to play it again!

Their feet don't touch the ground!!!


crysania4 June 3 2009, 13:44:58 UTC
I know! They're like hover dogs! It's amazing how fast they can move. Of course, some of those agility dogs FLY through things too.

I also LOVE that guy's relationship with his dog. So sweet!


shinoakkitenshi June 4 2009, 01:00:36 UTC
sounds like she's having fun.


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