Dear Vidders: Why not YouTube?

Aug 10, 2010 11:05

I'm considering writing a post about vidding for Symposium Blog this week in honor of VividCon, so I thought I'd toss out a question:

As I'm eagerly devouring all the new vids that are coming out, I can't help but notice that for vidders who post streaming versions of their vids, most aren't hosted on YouTube. I see stuff on various Ning vid ( Read more... )

symposium, vidding

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Comments 3

counteragent August 10 2010, 15:25:50 UTC
You tube takes down my vids (with a few exceptions) moments after I post them because of copyright issues on the songs. I've tried posting there; it would be my preference. It doesn't work. I've stopped trying because I don't have time to deal with it and because if you get too many takedowns they cancel your account.


trobadora August 10 2010, 15:47:03 UTC
I'm not a vidder, but I'm glad a lot of vidders don't use Youtube. Some content is blocked depending on country; some content just gets blocked, period. And half the time, even when something isn't blocked Youtube decides to give me an error lately. Frankly, I'm really starting to dislike Youtube. :(


cyborganize August 10 2010, 19:27:19 UTC
I will second counteragent -- I think rampant takedowns are the biggest issue. the others you list are important concerns, but I think people would get over them if vids would just stay up. but they don't! and I say this as someone with a YouTube account for vids, which luckily has been mostly functional so far. they have different deals about filtering with different corporations and its a crapshoot.


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