Title: Sentinel
Characters/Pairings: Daphne/Matt, Molly, Daniela
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or any of its characters
Word count: 565
Spoiler alert: spoilers for 3.04
Summary: (
He really thought he had made the future right. But he had been terribly wrong... )
Comments 4
You have some really beautiful lines in this:
the burnt surface of her back giving way and bleeding underneath his hands. Simultaneously icky and heartbreakingly sad.
He said no, every time, but after months of her disappearing for days to look at loose ends, to follow false leads, or to just nearly miss him, Matt had finally relented and Molly agreed. I love how there's just this little twinge of selfishness to Matt's actions. He is really trying ot make things different, but at the same time his desire to be with her is the undoing, because he gives in to her in order to keep her there, he's happy even though he knows everyone else is unhappy, etc.
Really good!
ordinarily I love torturing my characters, but this is too much, haha
I love it, though. Fantastic!
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