Title: Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 8
Characters/Pairings: Elle/Gabriel, the Haitian
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or any of its characters
Word count: 869
Spoiler alert: definite spoilers for 3.08, AU from there
Summary: It's in her best interest that she doesn't remember any of this...
Fic here )
Comments 9
I love this, because you sneakily added it in after I thought you were done!
. Still, like the obedient Company girl that she was born and bred to be, she returned to her Spartan room, and took out her frustration the best way she knew how. Sitting on the bed, she juggled small sparks between her fingers. She practiced her sharpshooting by aiming at the bars on the windows. She powered up and sent a powerful blast at the wall, crackling the paint and leaving scorch marks on the plaster underneath. By that afternoon the whole hall smelled like ozone.
But Bob...she was practicing. You can't be mad at her for making sure she was in top form. I love the line about the hall smelling like ozone -- little details and all that. ;)
Here is you complimentry handbasket.
Have fun now.
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