FIC: Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 8

Dec 13, 2008 01:47

Title: Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 8
Characters/Pairings: Elle/Gabriel, the Haitian
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or any of its characters
Word count: 869
Spoiler alert: definite spoilers for 3.08, AU from there
Summary: It's in her best interest that she doesn't remember any of this...

A/N:dragynflies cures writer's block.

Angel with A Broken Watch, Chapter 8

The Haitian had halted for a moment, taking his hand away once again from Elle's pallid brow. The infant cried and cooed from a moment from the corner; the nurse was cleaning and cuddling him while Dr. Zimmerman recorded something on the chart on his clipboard.

The Haitian briefly considered how strange it was for him to know the ending of the story already, without knowing how everything fell into place for its characters. But they weren't just characters. The Haitian rarely considered the people whose minds he erased, but there were some - Sandra Bennet, for example, and now Elle - who he began to feel compassion for, after going through so many of their memories.

But these memories... these were the bad ones. The Haitian had seen enough memories to be able to judge the ones that were worth keeping, and the ones that everyone would rather put behind them, never to be thought about again. Still, he placed his hand back on Elle's head with a twinge of guilt and regret.

"An abortion?" the doctor repeated, frowning.

Elle rolled her eyes. "Could you have repeated that any louder? I don't know that they could hear you downstairs."

"I'm sorry, Miss Bishop, but I simply cannot comply." Dr. Hauser shuffled some paperwork across his desk in an effort to look busy and distracted, but Elle knew better. A ball of electricity sizzled in her hand; she could be pretty convincing that way. Still, Dr. Hauser didn't relent. "It has nothing to do with any personal moral compunctions, Miss Bishop, but Company policy is that, except in emergencies, we can only perform procedures like that once they've been approved by the regional manager."

Elle's eyes narrowed. "What would constitute an emergency in this case? You avoiding an electrical fire, perhaps?"

The doctor ignored her. "The regional manager, in this case, would be your father. And I imagine you don't want him to know; that's why you came here first."

Elle tossed the glowing electric ball back and forth between her hands. After refraining from using it during all the time she spent with Gabriel, she realized how much she missed it... or, rather, she missed all the fun she could have with it. "How far is your office from the burn unit? Just curious."

"Have you even been medically evaluated? How do you know that you're pregnant?" His voice contained a slight tone of concern, and Elle's heart stopped for a moment because it reminded her of Gabriel. She had to remind herself to inhale.

"I peed on a stick," Elle answered sardonically. Something about being back in the Company brought out the worst in her. She tried to ignore the bile that rose up in her throat whenever she spoke, as well as the spark that crawled across her skin simultaneously.

"I'll tell you what we can do, Miss Bishop," Dr. Hauser said, ignoring the tone of her last remark and walking to the front of his desk. He crossed his arms and leaned against it, looking down at her over the tops of his glasses. "I can schedule you for a medical evaluation tomorrow. Depending on what that yields, I'd be willing to, perhaps, overlook certain procedural paperwork."

Elle caught on to some sort of subtle subtext sublimating at the end of his statement. "What is it you want in exchange?" she asked, raising her eyebrow suspiciously.

"We'll discuss that if and when it becomes an issue," Dr. Hauser replied. "Right now, Miss Bishop, I suggest that you return to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing, and I'll see you tomorrow at..." He paused to glance at his scheduler, which lay open on the desk behind him. "Ten a.m. From what I understand, you've been away from the Company for quite a while. If anyone asks, for the sake of discretion, this is a simple check-up, nothing more."

"Great. Ten it is," Elle repeated, her lips pursed in frustration. She had been hoping for an outcome a little more definite, some sort of solution. Besides that, this Dr. Hauser was beginning to give her the creeps. The small hairs on the back of her neck crackled with an errant current of electricity; it was beginning to act up again. Still, like the obedient Company girl that she was born and bred to be, she returned to her Spartan room, and took out her frustration the best way she knew how. Sitting on the bed, she juggled small sparks between her fingers. She practiced her sharpshooting by aiming at the bars on the windows. She powered up and sent a powerful blast at the wall, crackling the paint and leaving scorch marks on the plaster underneath. By that afternoon the whole hall smelled like ozone.

She wanted this problem solved as quickly as possible. Once this matter was taken care of, she could stop worrying about losing control of her powers, and she could go back to Gabriel. That was the only reason she'd come back; she never intended to stay. The longer this would take, though, the more afraid she was that he wouldn't take her back.

The Haitian already knew that there was no going back for Elle now... she had already passed the point of no return.

character: the haitian, rating: pg-13, fanfiction, character: gabriel gray, angel with a broken watch, pairing: gabriel/elle, character: elle bishop, pairing: elle/haitian, character: sylar

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