When I was in high school, I was a fat fucking ball of self-loathing. As such, I felt most girls were just way out of my league and, would only be roused to any kind of action in that field on VERY rare occasion
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So the results of his biopsy were "inconclusive," yet he was scheduled for surgery (not chemotherapy). However, one of the doctors, whom my dad also meets with, told him that he was in far worse shape than Dad as of now
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So TK started this thread on controversial opinions because of some lame LJ group or something. I remember this post I made on FFO a few years back which was about this and got me a tempban. It was chock full of lulz. Let's see how it stands up.
So my brother stayed overnight at the hospital yesterday. We got a call an hour ago that he has some kind of a growth on his lung or chest or something. It might be a tumor
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