[if you happen to be having a late dinner or spending some quality time floating in the pool area - swimming through water in the air is cool, right? - about this time gravity suddenly makes its grand reappearance. here's hoping you were over something soft, passengers! the captain seems to be in perfect order when he appears on the intercom, giving his customary cheerful salute]
Good evening passengers! Captain Ganymede here to tell you that all of the technical problems have been taken care of! Our skilled engineering crew worked night and day to get the ship back into perfect working order, so if you happen to see them around, please give them a hearty thank you! They deserve it.
To make up for all the inconveniences of the last few days, we've decided to take a little detour on our trip to pass by a beautiful gem of a planet that our navigator happened across while doing routine area sweeps.
There will be no surface trips, of course, as specified by IA mandates, but a few evenings in orbit will give us a fantastic view! I'm transmitting an image of our little detour to you now, the planet Eos! [and indeed he is, as
this appears on all Spheres] I'm certainly looking forward to it myself!
This is Captain Ganymede, signing off!
WHEW. At least all those malfunctions have been dealt with...or have they? If a passenger happens to place a pen on a desk, they'll notice that it rolls to the left. Put that same pen on a counter or on the floor and the result will be the same. Apparently, the entire ship is listing to the left. Is this a bad thing? Maybe. Only time will tell!
However, things will be calm again for a time. So passengers had best use their time wisely.
As for official business, the ACTIVITY CHECK has been completed! The amount of drops and the current balance of passengers between room levels didn't allow for room switching this time around, so sorry everybody! Maybe next time?
Buuuut as the cut text may have told you, this is also an official HOW'S MY DRIVING post! For anyone unfamiliar with the concept, it is a means of receiving direct feedback on your roleplaying thus far in the game. You will post a comment to this entry containing the names and journal names of your characters, to which other players - either in person or anonymously - can reply. It is completely optional, meaning if you'd rather not participate then you don't have to. This is a forum for constructive criticism. No flooding, no disparaging remarks, basically no fighting; I will be monitoring all comments, so try and keep it clean, folks. We're trying to help, not hinder, each other's performance in the game; if you have something to say, try to include advice and help along with it. Anonymous commenting is on and IP logging is off, but once again, how you comment, if you comment, and to whom is entirely up to you.
If you have any questions about the above information, please feel free to ask them here!
P.S. ...anon comments have been allowed FO' REALS this time, gaiz. *cough*