∞ 02 20 ∞

Nov 11, 2008 00:04

[the static that rings throughout the ship over the intercom is akin to nails on a chalkboard, grating and sharp. through it can be heard the crash of breaking furniture and glass and the broken sputtering of mechanics.

there's a snap, a faint sizzle, and then there the captain is, saluting cheerfully. his helmet is cracked, a long split stretching from left to right and missing a portion of the glass directly over his left eye.

the eye is blue]

Good evening passengers! It's a lovely night, don't you think? Just lovely. I love nights like these. Perfect for a walk! But no time for that, no time at all! You know how the life of a captain is, always making sure that you...you, the passengers, are happy here on the Crucible.

[he leans closer towards the display. the one eye is bloodshot]

So how about a walk! I love walks. Especially on nights like these. I've tweaked the Enviro-dome just for the occasion. Why not stop by? You'll love it!

I would go if I wasn't so busy. I love walks. This is Ganymede, signing off."

    Oh, there's the captain. He seems a little stressed, don't you think? Maybe he should take a break. Relax, take a stroll, work all that tension out of his shoulders. And he does love walks!

    So much so that now all the passengers will be forced to walk to all their destinations. That's right: the transportation pads are no longer functioning. The ship has hallways, of course, so you can move between levels - stairs are your new friends! - and get to where you need to go, it'll just take some time. A lot of time, in some cases. The hallways don't seem to quite match the maps your Sphere will provide. A right turn will actually be a dead end; a staircase will only lead up instead of down. That fifth left turn back there? Yeah, it's suddenly a right turn if you backtrack. This will only happen sporadically, so characters can get to where they need to go. They just may get lost along the way. But hey, some characters can teleport/run really fast/fly/walk on walls, right?

    Well...no. Not anymore. For the duration of this plot, all powers, supernatural, magical, physical, or otherwise related to motion, movement, and basically getting from one place to another have been nullified. What this means is that all characters are now at the physical ability level of your average, healthy human being, aged 25-30. It doesn't matter how or where their speed/wall-walking/teleportation abilities come from, but this affects all physical abilities that are abnormal by human standards. People can still cast spells, use telepathy, call up a Keyblade, etc., they'll just have human limitations in using anything physical. For example, Sasuke as a ninja knows martial arts; he can still do them, but with only normal human strength and speed behind them. Axel is still fireproof when he wants to use flame, he just can't warp around the battlefield at all.

    But wait, the captain said something about the Enviro-dome, didn't he? Well, it seems that all three sections have converted into one massive section. This new area is akin to a forest in early winter, shrouded in icy fog. Periodically, the twisted, changing hallways of the ship will lead to the Enviro-dome, irregardless of where the character in question was originally heading. I would ask that players use caution when having their characters enter the dome: if they do, they will be trapped there for the duration of this plot. Luckily for them, the forest seems to have become more than just a simulation. There is food to be found, those wintering plants and animals that can provide sustenance, trees to burn and fell for shelter. Luckily for characters that enter the Enviro-dome, their powers will work while within the dome.

    I would ask that those players that wish to have their characters involved with the dome to please comment to this entry saying as much. If your character goes to help another and gets trapped later, please come by this post and comment with that information as well! Purely to keep things organized. :) This (entire, as in both parts) plot will last from tonight until next Thursday and is a two-parter. Keep an eye out for a second announcement later this week!

    Now, for other business! Concerning the ACTIVITY CHECK.

    The following characters had the required entries but failed to check in at the activity post:

    The following characters did not have the requirements and failed to check in at the activity post:

    The players have until Friday at 10 PM to check in here at this post with an explanation for their absence - these things happen, right? - or may choose to drop at the Status post. If the player does not check in at all, their characters will be removed from the RP listings Friday night.

    If you have any questions concerning the plot or the activity check, please ask them here!

captain ganymede, plot; all roads lead to rome

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