[while it may have been simply implied for all the wonderful months that have been spent enjoying the captain's grand company, it is now clear that he has a Sphere of his own. why? because it appears to have turned on without his permission. it's following along behind him, transmitting his image throughout the network.
door he's currently passing should seem very familiar. why he's on Level 23 is a mystery until he approaches an innocuous-seeming corner of the small corridor. he stops, regarding it a moment or two before touching a serious of points on the wall, a small square lighting up beneath his gloved hand at every location.
once he finishes, a previously invisible doorway slides open, revealing a complex, multi-leveled
structure beyond.
he disappears inside, leaving the door open behind him]
This is your chance, everyone! Captain Ganymede has opened the engineering section of the ship. At present, only Level 24, the maintenance section hub, is accessible. As shown in the picture, it is a series of open walkways that all lead to different access doors. While the hub itself comes with a handy sign just inside its entrance, the access doors are, unfortunately, labeled only with numbers. Which one actually leads to the ship's engines? The only way to find out is by process of elimination!
However, this is NOT a Quick-Time Event! Rather, I would called this a planned event. Characters will find the correct door and I am asking for two volunteers to do the honors. This basically means that in three days time, presumably sometime Friday night, one of these characters will make an entry in their journal to the effect of finding the door and inputting the correct passcodes (which would be the first code) to open it.
What will they find when they open the door? Why, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Beyond the correct door will be a seemingly infinite black space. Much like the holes that opened up on the planet Eos, throw something into this space and it will disappear. Limbs will, thankfully, not be torn off, but should a character happen to fall or jump inside they, too, will disappear. Roughly twenty-four hours later, they will reappear in their rooms with no memory of the event. Additionally, they will no longer be affected by the sentai state that everyone else is currently afflicted with! This means they will have all their original powers, will no longer have a transformation, and will not be pursued by the monsters!
A good thing, because the maintenance hub is crawling with the creatures. Unlike before, these threats are real, and not passengers in disguise. Thankfully, as of this announcement all passengers are now visible to each other, so unfortunate confrontations can be avoided, but the real monsters are much tougher than they look! It doesn't help that no matter how many you defeat, more will always replace them. Defeated enemies dissolve into nothing; taking them out amounts to hitting them until they don't move anymore, but they are graced with almost the same level of kung-fu skill as the passengers, so doing this may be more difficult than it appears at first!
So from this point on, these key factors should be kept in mind:
• Real monsters, with limitless numbers, occupy and are pouring out of the mainteance hub.
• There are numerous doors and only one correct one, but the correct door will be found by two pre-planned individuals on Friday.
• Beyond the door is nothing. Characters disappearing into that door erases that event from their memory and resets them back to their room twenty-four hours later. Items don't come back at all! So don't throw anything important in there.
• Finding the door will not make the monsters or the suits disappear. Keep an eye out for the next mod post if you're waiting for that!
Lastly, about the volunteers. The only stipulation is an entry from one Friday night, with the second commenting to that journal to the effect that they are with them (either because they were searching together, or by chance). A word of caution: being a volunteer will lead to outside repercussions for your character later. What that is exactly at this time is a secret, but they will be affected by something a little extra in future plots. If you're willing to take that risk, please comment here with your (and your partner's, if you'd like to pick one now) character! If there are multiple volunteers, I will use AIM dice to choose later tonight (or early tomorrow morning)!
If you have any questions about the above information or what to do if you volunteer, please ask them here!
ETA: Isshin (heresthebasics) and Ryuuko (savetheliving) have been chosen to find the door! Please keep an eye on their journals for the appropriate entry!
ETA THE SECOND: Some official business I forgot. Guys, if you're going to drop, please, please, please, please, please use the drop post. It's rather difficult to go digging through the ooc comm to try and find who dropped whom and when.